Monday, January 1, 2024

Menu Monday


A new year and I am feeling optimistic for all the new things and adventures that will be heading our way. 

One thing will always remain though and that is menu planning and staying frugal. Hopefully I will be able to add a few things to my frugal habit stable over the coming year. Pulled out some books to see what I can add. 

Menu planning does save time and cash, and this year I am definitely making sure I use up all leftovers in the fridge and in the fridge freezer. I will be hunting for new and exciting ways to use those leftovers up.


Baked spaghetti, raw veggies and dip.


Stew served on slices of homemade bread.


Leftover baked spaghetti, served with salad.


Lentil Curry served on rice (there is a container of this in the fridge freezer). Served with the remains of the salad.


Soup and sandwiches.


Chili and toast.


Leftover stew and this time served with dumplings.

Lunches will be leftover soup (I made a wonderful soup last week and there is enough for 2 lunches), any leftover lentil curry, and the usual standby of sandwiches. I plan on making up some ham salad and egg salad to go along with the sandwich meats we already have.

I am pretty much the only one to eat breakfast, so I usually have yogurt, or toast or oatmeal depending on how hungry I happen to be. 

The leftover chili and stew will be frozen after the first meal and pulled out to be used later. I try and make rather large batches of those meals on purpose.

Everybody have a wonderful day. 

God bless.


  1. I'll be right up!!!! Baked spaghetti is a favorite of mine - actually the way I prefer spaghetti! It all sounds so good.

  2. I also make large batches of some recipes like chili to freeze on purpose too. I also do that with beans. Your menu sounds good, I enjoy baked spaghetti. It's a good recipe to have.
