Saturday, January 13, 2024

Saturday Roundup


There really isn't much to report on what has been happening around the old homestead. It has been too blooming cold to head outside for the least amount of time. Today is colder yet with temperatures of -34 C (-29F) but feeling like -51C (-60F) when I arose this morning and from the looks of it they are not rising very quickly.

With temperatures that low we more or less hunker down and stay warm inside, hoping that there are no power outages of significance either. It has happened before that our power has shut down after large draws on the plant. Scary when it is this cold.

I hope to do the finishing on the squares I cut out a couple of days ago. Not sure if I want to overlock/serge the edges or just do a close zig zag around them. I am thinking zig zag as I could pull my machine out front rather than sit in the sewing room.

I will also finish off one of the balls of cotton yarn today making dishcloths. I was asked by a reader to share my pattern so here it is, an oldie but the first ever put out.

Use size 5mm needles (not too sure what the American size would be.

Cast on 4 stitches and knit one row.

Next and all following rows 

Knit 2, yarn over knit to end of row. 

Do this row until you have 45 stitches on your needle. Start decreases.

Knit 1, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 2 together, knit to end of row. Do this decrease for each of the following rows.

Do decreases until only 5 stitches remain on the needle.

Knit 2, knit 2 together, knit 1.

Cast off the remaining 4 stitches.

I think if you wanted a larger cloth you could make more increases, I have seen some patterns that say 53 stitches on the needle before starting decreases. As long as it is an odd number of stitches it should work out properly.

Off to get some of the few Saturday chores completed and perhaps also a bit more decluttering. We shall see what this bitterly cold day will bring.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.



  1. Goodness, that is cold. I sure hope you have an alternate heat source (in case). I would think everyone living where it could get that cold, would. Hunker down and stay in. Be safe.

  2. We lost power due to high winds yesterday, but it was back on that evening, thank goodness!

  3. When you said -22 the other day I thought how awful is that! But then your weather keeps getting colder and -34, I am staggered at that. We must be real softies here in the UK. I know you must be used to it over there, but please stay safe and as warm as you can.

  4. The cold is so brutal. My son and I are hunkered down, there will be no going out this weekend. The poor furnace has been running frequently, just to keep the house at 18C.
    Love the idea of the dish cloth - I'll have to see if I have any cotton left in my stash.

  5. Stay warm! It's supposed to be getting colder here too (temp has dropped 2 degrees over the past hour). Last night we got high winds and lots of snow but by this morning it had rained and most of the snow was gone again.
    Don't know if you are a member of Ravelry but seeing your dishcloth pattern I realized it's similar to a pattern I found there this morning called 'Sediment Scraps Blanket' that uses scrap yarns, some of them held together to be thick enough, to make a throw. I'm eyeing my stash with plans to attempt to make one.

  6. Oh dear, that's rather cold isnt it. Keep warm and cozy inside. Certainly a great time to make a big pot of soup.

  7. Happy Belated Anniversary to you & Harvey. Brrr, it's cold in your neck of the woods. I'm not enjoying this cold, windy weather. It's a good excuse to bake though :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Oh, my goodness - that's cold. Staying warm and cosy and making a big pot of soup as suggested above sounds perfect. xx
