Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits


Good morning everyone. I think it is probably time I filled everyone in on what happened over Christmas, and how for the first time ever I did not run around snapping pictures madly. I just was in the moment the entire time Kurt and Kris were home. Strange for me. 

Both arrived home on the 23rd. Kris early in the afternoon (he had trouble getting Eiko into her traveling cage) and Kurt just before supper that evening. The usual happened... Kris made himself comfortable upstairs with me, and Kurt made himself comfortable with his Dad down in the man cave. 

The first evening at supper we got caught up on all the news. Harvey and I had thought that Kris was working 2 jobs for the city, turns out he was working 3 jobs as they hadn't filled his old one as of yet. That one should have someone starting today while Kris is still on holiday (he has one more week). Should take some of the pressure off him. So he is doing his own job that he applied for and got, plus the job of the person above him who his out on medical leave right now. 

Kurt has only 4 students registered to go on the trip with him this Easter. At first there was at least 12 that expressed interest but the number dropped as the financial problems of many began. He actually had to pay a bit this time around, and one of the students mothers is going with them and paying full price for her fare. Kurt always thought the school board would put the breaks on overseas trips, but he thinks it could be himself doing so. At least until the financial worries are less.

Shh, now don't let Kurt know I told you (that is if you follow him on twitter (can't seem to call it Xter) or Facebook, but there could be a book from him soon. He was approached by a publisher (who keeps changing their minds on what they want) to write something about hate/radicalization in Canada, that is suitable for Grades 6-9. He has another meeting to discuss this with them sometime in the next week. 

Since we would be heading to Harvey's sister's place for Christmas I made our big meal Christmas Eve. Now that was very strange. Since Christmas will be here next year I plan on making it a meal. 

There was no late Mass on Christmas Eve so we decided to attend Christmas Day Mass which was another very strange thing in this household.

Christmas arrived and the sons were very happy with all their little packages in the baskets. Both asked if they were allowed to keep the baskets as well. Of course I said yes, that I had planned on purchasing new baskets next year. Kurt was very happy with his little recipe book (I have since thought of a few more recipes to put in which will be part of the gift next Christmas), and socks. Kris on the other hand loved the ornaments, little tool set and the socks. 

Kurt got Harvey an autographed picture of George Chavello. He got Kris a Viking bracelet like the one he wears, and a personalized  travel bag for his toiletries. Me he got a set of cast iron stakes for my herb bed with lovely pictures of the herbs I plant (and some I don't, but now will). 

Kris got Harvey two beer brewing kits which will keep him occupied for quite while. He really got Kurt some lovely gifts, a horn drinking cup with a holder and a belt loop as well as a wooden stein. He got me a lovely big box of smelly things from The Body Shop (the box was actually an Advent Calendar) but I opened each box and all are in my cupboard or drawer. One of  my promises for this year is to pamper myself a bit more.

I made Harvey a pair of pj bottoms to replace the ones that ripped beyond repair and became rags. 

Harvey bought me a sparkly necklace which is worn as a torque (think I spelled that correctly). Kind of awkward but I love it.

Now since my birthday falls on the 29th my boys usually have my birthday gifts under the tree as well. I open them Christmas day as I have since I was a child (usually did not have a party growing up as it was so close to Christmas). Harvey got me the matching bracelet to my Christmas gift, Kris got me a gift certificate to Fabricland, and Kurt got me a beautifully carved stone angel. I can not for the life of me remember the type of stone, but it has a lovely sheen and reflects light amazingly well.

I think I have rattled on long enough for this post. More to follow on the visit tomorrow.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.


  1. What an interesting account of your lovely happy family Christmas!

  2. It sounds as though you had a lovely and blessed Christmas.

  3. What a lovely holiday you had with your family

  4. Sounds like a wonderful visit. I quit Twitter when the biggest twit of all took over the company, and allowed IQ45 back on the platform. I'm certain Kurt's book will be well researched and well written. Congrats to him.
    As for Kris, that seems to be an issue with most quasi-governmental jobs. Someone leaves temporarily or even permanently and the position isn't filled for a long time, so someone else has to take on the work. That person is always one of the folks who work hard, rather than someone who is hardly working. I hope this new person works out and Kris isn't quite so busy.

  5. I agree with the others, sounds like a good time was had by all. You have reminded me I need to pop to Fabricland as well. Happy New Year to you and your family. Hope 2024 is good to you all!

  6. Glad to hear that you had a lovely 'in the moment' holiday with your family. The best kind.

  7. Happy belated birthday! What a wonderful Christmas. It sounds perfect in every way. So glad you had the boys home and you all had such a lovely time. I 'hear' proudness in your writing of those two and aptly so! How great.

  8. You've all had a wonderful Christmas! My favorite gift is always being with family! Happy belated Birthday! My oldest son was born on the 29th as well.

  9. Sounds like you had a pretty perfect Christmas. Best of all would be getting to spend time with family. Happy, albeit now belated (!) birth day.
