Sunday, January 7, 2024

Sunday Ramblings.......


Coolish start to the day, and the forecast is calling for more snow to fall. While we (and the farmers) need the moisture a good layer of snow will bring the dark and dreary days are really putting a damper on my embroidery. Perhaps one of my purchases from my saved allowance money should be an Ott Light for my small table beside my chair. Must check out prices on Amazon....

Later this week the temperature plummets and significantly more snow is supposed to fall. The snow starts the day before my mammogram and continues through the mammo day into the late evening. Temperatures will be falling the next day. I am so glad I got my appointment when I did, my friend has hers two days later and man the high that day will be -24C according to the weather pundits. Not going to be nice for the next week or so after Tuesday.

I don't think we will be attending Mass live this week either as I have now caught Harvey's cold. I do know exactly what Harvey will say. My throat is sore, my nose is plugged and I am starting to cough. At least the cough is loose. I also have a headache (sinus) which is something Harvey didn't have. Not going anywhere and when I get a bit of the prep work done for the week I am snuggling into my chair and doing a bit of knitting and copying out recipes under a quilt or two. I am hoping this pretty much runs it's course by Tuesday. I do not want to be coughing standing on tip toe, my arm wrapped around a bar and my breast being squished by a vise. I think that could hurt a bit.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.

Edited to add

The snow has arrived and I really need to find our thermometer. I believe I am pretty darn feverish right now.


  1. So sorry you have such a nasty cold - they can be really unpleasant so rest up and take it really easy, OK? xx

  2. Oh no! I'm sorry you are getting sick, Jackie. Yes, take it easy today and rest, it will do you a world of good. Temperatures sound very cold up your way. Stay warm too!

  3. I do hope you havent got the nasty virus which is sweeping our country. Stay warm and rest lots.

  4. Check for covid. It is pretty bad in the U S.

  5. Oh dear, I hope this cold/flu you've caught is over with quickly.
    No snow this morning here and the colder temps expected later this week are likely going to ensure I stay home for much of the week.

  6. Oh Jackie, hope you will start feeling better soon.

  7. Oh dear, that doesn't sound good, hope you feel better soon. If you postpone your appointment will it be difficult to get another slot for your mammogram?

  8. I do hope you feel better soon! I have an Ott light for sewing and I love it. We have a big snow moving in tomorrow and Tuesday. I'm glad I've bought my groceries already!

  9. I'm sorry that you've succumbed to some sort of grunge - hopefully it's short-lived and mild!

  10. Oh so sorry you have a cold and feel icky. Take care, and stay in and keep warm. Take naps - they truly do help!

  11. Sorry to hear you've caught Harvey's cold. Keep yourself wrapped up. Hope you're feeling better soon.
