Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits

 The weather was nice enough for Harvey to get the snowblower out and begin clearing the driveway and the area behind and beside the vehicle shelter. He even cleared behind and in front of his truck on the street. Still more to do, but he got the majority cleared out.

Me, well I did a bit of straightening up in one closet, found a couple more items to donate, and a couple I need to try before I make a decision on whether or not to donate. I cleared a few items out that needed to be used at lunch and tomorrow I will get some more items used and frozen to be meals later. I was going to wait until Saturday to make the potato soup, but now will make it tomorrow along with some baking.

Todays perhaps largest task was to iron this....

I bought this batik fabric from a friend that was downsizing her stash of fabric and quilting supplies. I bought the whole bolt for a steal of a deal, so 11 meters of fabric. I removed it from the bolt and put it through the washer and drier. Then today I ironed the whole thing. I ended up doing it in sections, one 5 meter piece and then a 6 meter piece. Now it is ready for cutting out and sewing next month. I believe I will be making a skirt, top and perhaps another dress for summer wear. Next up to be washed and ironed is some yellow fabric I purchased to make slashing and binding on a baby quilt I embroidered. 

Knitting happened, while watching season 11 of Father Brown (only 2 episodes) and I am now watching an old British comedy that is hilarious. I just wish I could really understand one of the three gentlemen who are the stars of the show.

Once again too dark and gloomy to do any embroidery. I wonder if I can find a clip on Ott light on Amazon for these kind of days.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.


  1. That fabric is beautiful Jackie! My favorite color. I can definitely see a summer dress from it :) I'm glad your weather has warmed up too.

  2. I've ordered a LED neck reading light from Amazon, hoping it will provide a good light for stitching. The package was supposed to arrive by Sunday, but was delayed due to poor weather in Alberta. Hopefully it will be here by Friday. I'll let you know how well it works.

    It turned into a lovely day here today -2C at a high. I'm glad to hear Harvey has been able to move the snow you got, and hope the better weather reaches you too.

  3. Yes you can find the clip on lights at Amazon. They are great and won't strain your eyes.

  4. I don’t like to iron. I wish I had my mom’s old heavy iron. It got hot and ironed out all the wrinkles easy. Seems iron just don’t get hot enough.

  5. My husband bought me a super spot light and it is wonderful, I can even see to knot dark wool. Love that fabric, gorgeous colour.

  6. If its the programme I thinking of, it will be a very heavy North country accent! My husband used to love that programme (wish I could remember the name)

  7. Can't imagine having to iron all that fabric but I know you'll get lots of projects out of it.
    Glad to hear the weather has improved where you are.

  8. you're a star ironing 11 metres of fabric!! We love Father Brown.
