Saturday, January 27, 2024

Saturday Roundup


Now this is going to sound very strange coming from me, but I have been pretty lazy. 

I did some embroidery, made soup, baked bread, did some knitting, washed/dried and ironed fabric. I also managed to do the regular household tasks here on the old homestead. Other than that I have been relatively lazy. Especially lazy today. 

I guess one needs to rest from their busy lives every so often. Hopefully next week I will have some project finished pictures for you. Getting pretty close to the end of this month and I have lots left to do as of yet.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I don't call it lazy - we just all need a break from the day to day now and then.
    Relax and enjoy the remainder of your weekend.

  2. Doesn’t sound lazy at all!

  3. If that’s lazy, I’m a sloth! 🦥

  4. If that is lazy for you, oh my!! I'm a slug!
    😄 🤣

  5. I don't think you've been lazy at all, if your list of what you've done is an indication. We always try to take Sundays 'off' - I don't sew but I sometimes will pick up my knitting. Otherwise it's a day to spend reading.

  6. I'm glad to hear you've been 'lazy' (although I expect that your lazy is possibly quite busy by many standards). It'sgood to have a bit of down time now and again. Enjoy it.

  7. Your idea of lazy and mine are quite different. In any event, a restful day is not a bad thing. We all need to relax and recharge every so often. In my case, it is more often.

  8. You are many things, and lazy isn't one of them! I just love seeing and hearing what you accomplish every day. Takng a break now and then is healthy. If I sit down, I am usually asleep withing a few minutes!!

  9. Even though I am home full time, I try to make the weekend a simple as possible. I do usually do a load of laundry, but try not to do any other household/cleaning tasks, other than cooking meals.
