Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Midweek And All Is Well


One of the choices I made for this year was to get in better shape, or at least lose a few of the extra pounds I seem to have packed on over the last couple of years. 

I really don't drink enough water, so most afternoons so far have seen a glass of water being filled and refilled sitting beside me as I work on a project or two. 

I am also making sure I move a great deal more. Be it walking/marching in place, or doing a few stretches. I will be adding that chair Yoga next month.

Another choice I made was to get a post up fairly early in the day, giving me more time to visit with all of you once the household tasks were completed (or even before in some cases). 

I am thinking about using the blog I set up years ago for my projects, but then wonder what the heck I would post here on those days where I have a lull in, well my thought processes, I guess you could say. I could start one for recipes though so will think on that a bit. 

We are actually getting tiny amounts of sugar on store shelves now. There is a limit of one bag of any type however, so it is a good thing I stocked up for baking. The price seems to have gone up as well, probably because it is scarce and very hard to get. 

I am going to go out this morning and order my new lenses. My eye sight seems to be getting slightly worse and as I do not have dental expenses this month I will get this done and over with. I can still see to thread a needle, but there are scratches on my glasses that are beginning to bother me a bit. 

Still in use it up mode, and I have a feeling that in February there will be another clear out the fridge freezer week or possibly two. I just can't seem to eat something until it is all gone. Instead I pop part in the fridge freezer to enjoy later. Today I will be cutting the Baked Spaghetti up before popping it in the oven (which is still working) and freezing a couple of portions. It is very hard to cook for two after having two extra people for about a week. I think a fridge freezer challenge once every two months would really improve my grocery budget as well as making sure there is less waste going out.

I have a list of goals and projects once again for the month and I am keeping my fingers crossed that all will be completed. I actually have a few done already, but those were simple messaging ones, or phoning to reserve something. Nothing too strenuous at all. If the sky stays sunny most days I can get another block embroidered, and if not I have mindless knitting to do as well. I also copied some free knitting patterns that I want to try. One is for a "Mood Blanket" which is only for 3 months or 180 days. May give that a try down the road. I don't think they have enough colours listed for my moods though.

Enough rambling on. 

Everybody have a wonderful day. 

God bless.


  1. I have a hard time drinking enough water too. I'm good for a few days and then I find myself forgetting all about it.
    I've seen Mood Blankets as being a 'thing' recently. I suppose it's a different 'take' on the temperature blankets.

  2. I love the feel of having a fresh start for the new year. I'm am also trying to set up some better habits for this year. Have a wonderful day Jackie!

  3. pouvez vous me montrer ce qu'est une couverture d'humeur ?merci

    1. I had to translate this to English, and I know you will have to translate my explanation to French. So I will try and keep my explanation as simple as possible. A person would pick yarn colours for their mood (happy, sad, frustrated, and so on). Then however you were feeling that day you would knit 2 rows. The rows are worked so that you are working length wise leaving the ends free to tie into a fringe. The complete pattern is on the Lion Brand Yarn site.

      God bless.

  4. Happy New Year. Alot of what you post rings with me. I too am going to shed some pounds, move more, and get up early and get things done. By mid afternoon I am tired out, so I have a list each day and set about it. I don't do resolutions, but I do things more intentionally now, and try to be as close to realistic as it can be for someone my age.

  5. I wonder why sugar is s hard to come by there. It is every where here and no bad in price. Wish I could bundle it up and send it to you!
    I drink a lot of water in the summer, but have a hard time in the winter. I make myself drink it.
    Have a great day!

  6. Well I don't think you have to have anything special to say, as I certainly don't just keeping in touch with each other is such a blessing. Our sugar here is cheap as we have so many sugar factories in Idaho. I will remember that if I ever get your way!

  7. Hopefully the Rogers sugar strike will be over soon. I've noticed white sugar is in low supply, but brown sugar is available.
    You are always such a busy person! Looking forward to seeing your list of projects and finishes.

  8. It's crazy that it is mid week - that's why I like the first full week in Jan. These partial holiday weeks through me off.

  9. I do drink a lot of water and now have started adding salt in one bottle a day.
