Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Back To As Normal As Things Get


My house and yard is finally my own once again, but it has taken me awhile to get back to normal (if it really ever is normal) here on the old homestead.

Lots of washing of sheets, remaking beds, and gathering leftovers to be used in upcoming meals. Seems like I will not really be sticking to my planned menus for the rest of this week.

Harvesting is started once again, mostly cucumbers and herbs, slowly but surely I am catching up. Getting some projects completed and some started now. I am also making room in the sewing/craft room for the loom and stand once I need to put it away for awhile.

Shopping went well and I am hopefully going to be under budget for the month to make up for last month's overspending. I am stretching everything and substituting where ever possible.

I hope to make all my salves (except for the lavender) this month. Lemon balm salve was made today and plantain will be made tomorrow. 

So happy that I no longer have to go to my friends and water her plants, they are back from their vacation now. Between keeping her flowers and garden watered and my garden/flowers watered as well as the herbs harvested my mornings were pretty much shot. Now at least I can work on some preserving without interruption (had to go very early in the morning when we had company). 

I spent some of my allowance on some lights to fit into the small canning jars (pints) for outside. That is when Harvey discovered that someone at our neighbour's hit the last post in our fence. Now he is trying to figure out how to fix it without too much work and he wonders if he has another treated post to use. He does have the cement which will be a good savings. Those bags cost quite a bit. 

Still trying to use appliances to cut down on electrical costs, and I am happy to report our gas bill was down for last month (we pay it this month). Still the electric bill will probably be a bit higher over the next few months due to the heat. 

I finished the woven scarf and it is now washed, blocked and drying. I am now working on finishing the quilt for outside and of course the mitten knitting is still happening. 

I should be finished this size in a couple of days, sewing will take a couple of days, and then I will begin the smaller size. I plan on making the same number of mitts for this size as well. Kurt's school should be well supplied.

Life is moving along and I want to get as much done as is possible before Christmas, and Christmas is coming up much too quickly for my peace of mind.

Everyone have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


I know I promised pictures and will get some posted very soon.


  1. Gee whiz you have been a busy girl. Having company can sure throw you behind - but it is worth it all.

  2. you are one busy lady! Glad you are getting things caught up. :) Nice of you to look after your neighbours garden for her, I hope she does the same for you when needed. I also hope it isn't the same neighbour who hit your post!

  3. Do you ever have cucumbers that are extremely bitter (to the point you can't eat them)? We're growing three different kinds, two of which are great, but the third is so bitter as to be inedible. (Hawaii Planner)

  4. You've sure been busy Jackie & Yes I often wonder what "normal" is anymore too. Christmas will be here before we realise I think. xx

  5. Yes, Christmas is closer than we think. Halloween stuff has been showcased in the stores now for a couple of weeks. Crazy

  6. Busy, busy, busy, make sure you take time for some R&R for yourself.

  7. You are in constant motion. Your knitting, at least, lets you sit down for a few moments.

  8. It's always a mixed blessing to have your house back to yourself after visitors. It always feels strange at first when they go, but then I enjoy getting back into a normal routine.

  9. It's lovely to have company but it's equally as lovely to have the house to yourselves too. Sounds like you've been keeping busy even with the heat.
