Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Ramblings


It has been a very quiet day here on the old homestead. I am afraid I might have overdid a bit in getting something ready.

My loom stand came on Friday, so yesterday we decided to put it together. First of course I decided to warp it for my next project. Now, I swore after the first warping I ever did, I was going to do this in stages. I was a good Jackie with the second scarf, but this time around (and a bigger project planned) I wanted to get it all done before Harvey finished the stand....

Getting it finished before the stand was a slightly grandiose plan, though I did get the first part completed. We put it on the stand and it looked so unfinished that of course I got right into finishing it up. Three hours or so later the warping was completed. I even got the warp threads pulled together using scrap yarn. 

Then the backache and neckache started.... So today I have been taking it relatively easy. I have done a couple of walks (short ones as the heat is overpowering once again), did the few Sunday tasks that needed doing, and have watched a movie while knitting mitts. I also wound the shuttles for the project. 

Once again I am changing menus for next week as I have so much in the way of leftover taco meat. No tortillas but lots of meat. Tomorrow I will give tortilla making a go and hopefully be saving a bit of money instead of running to the store to pick some up. The extras I will bag up and freeze for later on. 

My eggplant is loving this heat and I just may be picking some at the end of this week. I see some Eggplant and chickpea stew (that's what I call it) being made for a meal and some for the freezer. I see lots of jalapenos as well so will more than likely start picking some of those for stuffed and perhaps some for pepper jelly. 

Everyday a bit more is dehydrated from the herb garden, things get used up (mind you we have a glut of cucumbers right now), tomatoes are ripening and I am pretty sure there will be enough for salsa this year. 

Next week I will be making the calendula salve and white clover salve. Perhaps I will be able T start the lavender infused oil by the end of the week. Keeping my fingers crossed on that final one.

Now a bit of news on how using the cloth toilet paper is going. I only use these small squares for one function, the other I use regular toilet paper. In two weeks I have managed to cut down on toilet paper usage going from 4 and a half large rolls a week to using just over two large rolls. This would be cutting out a large package of toilet paper every couple of months. I wash them separately from my clothes, towels, sheets and cleaning rags. Treat them more the way I treated the kids cloth diapers (mine could not use disposables as back then there was too much perfume in them for their bottoms, got really bad rashes). So far this seems to be working very well. 

Slowly but surely getting things done and dusted. I may actually be able to go on our bit of a holiday and not have lots to do when we get home. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 
God bless.


  1. 2 out of my 3 sons wore cloth diapers that I washed myself. One son was allergic to the disposable diapers and the outer plastic covering on the diaper.
    TP is so expensive. Let’s get real - using cloth is much nicer than paper. I should consider doing this. I’ve thought about it before.

    As always, you always give us tips and ideas. Love it.

  2. Tortillas are easy to make and taste so yummy.
    You have been busy - now let's not over do!

  3. I gave up my loom due to back and neck aches, interesting on your toilet paper saving.

  4. Well done on the savings you are making using the reusable toilet paper. Have a lovely few days away when you go.

  5. Well done on the savings. Do rest your back, it sounds like you got a lot done on the loom.
