Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits and Stuff


We got some rain overnight, Harvey says at one point it was really coming down. Saved me having to water plants today, but unless we get more, well I can see me watering tomorrow. 

A fairly quiet day as I decided I really needed to stay home and work around the house. The monthly cleaning of the oven and stove took place as well as the washing of my cleaning rags. Yes I do have enough cleaning rags to last the month. I am of the "Go big, or go home" thinkers (at least in that respect).

It also go really hot and humid today, so staying inside after an early morning walk was the best thing to do. Considering the heat I am thinking staying in and out of it stands to reason. 

My list is almost completed. I will work on mitts this evening as it gets a bit too dark to work much on my weaving project (promise pictures will be in tomorrow's post). I even got my new cutting mat today, so tomorrow I will be trying to get the pieces cut for the next quilt. It won't be sewn until next month, but I can at least be ready to start it right away. 

I also learned something else about weaving with this loom. The books all say you can use any yarn to weave. Not quite true. I did my warp with a rather slippery cotton yarn and find it does not keep it's tension quite as well. Live and learn which is always very good. 

Off to get our supper on the table and then after clean up a visit to those I can't get to right now.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Isn't it a shame we can't all share our weather. Like meet in the middle so everyone gets a bit of this and that but nothing for any length of time? Listen to me, whining! haha Our summer hasn't been terrible, quite a variety which keeps us guessing.

  2. We had rain too, about 3/8ths of an inch, followed by heat and humidity. No rain last night but the temp is rising and the humidity is ridiculous.
    I rarely want summer to end, but this year I'm hoping fall isn't far away. Especially as the temps aren't dropping that much at night.

  3. Sorry about the humidity. It is nice to be free of it for a few days! Young have gotten a lot done.
