Monday, August 19, 2024

Menu Monday


Man, is it ever warm out. I believe that this could change our menus this week, but we shall see. I already had to make one change, and will probably be changing something later in the week as my eggplants are getting pretty large. Perhaps it is time to start processing a few of them. However this is what I have so far with just the one change.


Leftover taco meat made into soft tacos once again. Serving this with the leftover cucumber salad.


Leftover roast beef made into a main dish salad.... Will need to pull some onions to add to the salad.


Marinated chicken breasts (hopefully done on the BBQ) served with sliced cucumbers and tomatoes. Perhaps some tinfoil potatoes.


The elusive Lentil curry served over rice. I may make some frozen mixed veggies with this.


This could change, right now it is salmon fillets. I will serve this with leftover rice and perhaps some corn on the cob from our garden.


BBQ or smoked ribs, a package of noodles that need using up, and more of the sliced cucumbers and tomatoes. 


I plan on warming up a package of frozen ham and serving it with mashed potatoes, and a cucumber salad (never ending cukes here right now and I refuse to waste any of them). 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Sounds delicious Jackie. We are eating comfort foods here lately as its been so cold here. xx

  2. It all sounds delicious, Jackie.
