Saturday, August 24, 2024

Saturday Roundup


Busy week harvesting, cooking, making salve, knitting, weaving, cleaning and just trying to get a bit ahead. It seems like I am always trying to either catch up or get ahead. One day perhaps I will at least be even.

This week the dehydrating of herbs has continued. I am concentrating on sage, thyme and oregano right now. In another week I will go back to basil, lemon balm and lemon grass. Mint will have to wait for a bit.

I have managed to finally get enough beans from my plants to have a meal. I am hopeful of managing a few more. Since I have a dearth of beans, I went to the Farmer's Market this morning and purchased some. These are now blanched and cooling in some ice water. Packaging and labeling to take place very soon and then they will be placed in the freezer. I may purchase more next week. 

I picked eggplants this week and from the three I picked I made what I call Eggplant Chickpea Stew. Two containers now reside in the freezer. 

Thursday saw me finally making the Lentil Curry. 

Once again after having a meal, the remainder was portioned out and put as more ready meals in the freezer.

Also on Thursday I made my version of a Cherry Strudel. Used some phyllo pastry that needed using and a container of my cherry pie filling. So good.

I continued the stove and oven use by making the calendula salve. Sorry I forgot to take a picture, but once I get them labeled I will snap a pick. I actually got 11 containers so have some to add to Kurt and Kris's baskets at Christmas. 

This is a picture of the 32 pairs of size 8-10 mittens.

And this is the start of what I hope will be an equal amount of size 4-6 mittens.

I also managed to get the pieces cut (strips) for the quilt Kurt has asked me to make for his friend as a wedding gift.

This was just the beginning and I managed to get the white and red strips made as well. 

Weaving is going well. Since this picture was taken I have managed to do another white stripe and have started another black stripe. This is taking a bit longer to weave as the project is much larger than the other two scarves I have made. Still I am liking the way this rug is turning out.

This is my new cutting mat and I am loving the bigger size. It makes cutting strips so much easier. Now I just need one of those rulers that are specially made for cutting strips.

Off to package up the beans (picture to follow one of these days) and start the water boiling for our corn on the cob.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Whenever I think I've accomplished enough, I read your blog and you blow me away. You are such a busy beaver and I know you and others will reap the rewards from all your hard work. (ps, I know you love it!)

  2. I agree with Patsy - you never cease to amaze me.

  3. You've been busy, busy as usual. Are you enjoying the weaving? .

  4. Non stop, as always! I do admire your accomplishments.

  5. I'm with Patsy - I can't imagine keeping up with all you do. The labour of love is evident.

  6. Yes, I'm always trying to catch up or get ahead too it seems like here. Such beautiful mittens! You are so talented, Jackie. I'm with Patsy, you are a busy beaver. Your cherry strudel looks so good!

  7. You been crafting! So sweet on all the mittens - they will sure keep someone warm this winter. Love it.

  8. You sound like you've been super productive this week. The curry and strudel look very tasty and the mittens super cute. You are generous to spend your time crafting for others.

  9. Such a busy and productive week - I am filled with admiration for your industry and creativity. Thanks for sharing. xx

  10. You've been busy once again and accomplished so much over the week. Is the rug you're weaving for you or for a gift? I can see lots of requests for them coming your way in the future.
