Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thrifty and Frugal Thursday

Thrifty and Frugal

It has been a fairly thrifty week even with my going shopping at the beginning of the week. I had my list, lots of items were on sale, and I stuck to my list even if my eyes strayed once in awhile to a goodie or two. Walked right on by.

I portioned up the meat once home and used my FoodSaver in order to do so. 

The garden is producing lots of cucumbers, tomatoes and now bigger handfuls of beans so those are supplementing our evening meals and many of our lunches.

Baked two small loaves of bread and man are they staying nice and moist. I will have to bake a couple tomorrow and will put one in the freezer. 

Leftovers are being used up (by me of course as Harvey seems to forget they are available) for lunches. 

I wanted a lighter grey fabric for the quilt, and found some in my stash.... Decluttered with a purpose as this quilt is a wedding gift for one of Kurt's good friends. 

Have been working on the weaving and enjoying seeing yarn being used up as well. Maggie, I never thought of using rubberized shelf covering for the bottom to make the rug non-skid. Thanks so much for the idea.

Mittens are using up even more of my yarn stash and the bits and bobs that are left will be used in another project I have in my mind. 

Some of the blueberries from last year have now been made into pie filling, and I think I will make a couple of loaves and more muffins with the remaining berries.

Tomorrow's menu has been changed to Eggplant Parma and I will be making some for the freezer as well.

Tomatoes need to be blanched, peeled and frozen so will be adding more to the three packages I did a couple of days ago. 

Walking for exercise and enjoying the cooler mornings.

Fixed a hem on a pair of my pants that was coming down.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. One thing I can say about doing curbside grocery pick ups is that I resist the in-person temptation and only buy what we need.
    Resident Chef swears by his Food Saver and wouldn't be without it.
    You're welcome for the shelf liner idea...hope it works out.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful thrifty week Jackie. I can't wait til we can pick summer tomatoes & cucumbers again. xx

  3. Well done for resisting any extra purchases whilst shopping. I wish I could say I'd done the same. I took LB to IKEA and spent much more than I intended, mostly on indoor plants and plant pots.

  4. That's the issue when shopping, avoiding those temptations. It is why I generally do the grocery shopping when in town. My daughter is a big impulse shopper...not good for the pocketbook.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Good job on resisting buying anything extra. Sounds like another good week for you. There is a store selling chicken inexpensively this week and I'm thinking about going to get some and then using my Food Saver to prepare it for the freezer.

  6. Envious of your blueberries! I finally used up three huge zucchinis this week, and feel like a garden hero. ;-) (Hawaii Planner)

  7. Well done, another busy week. I love the idea of blueberry pies. Usually we eat them with breakfast cereal, or with ice cream for dessert.
