Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits And Stuff


Another warm day here on the Canadian prairies. Today I stuck close to home and managed to get a few things accomplished. Still there is a bit left on my daily task list, but I really hope to get a couple more tasks completed. 

I have been asked a few questions and thought today would be the day to answer them.

I am loving the weaving, even though I still make an error every so often. Still no one is perfect and they aren't too noticeable so I am going with the flow. The learning curve is pretty steep and one thing I need to work on a bit more is getting the warp a bit tighter when I work on a larger project. 

I was also asked if the rug I am working on is a gift for someone. In a way it is a gift for Harvey. He really needs another rug downstairs in order to keep his "man cave" a bit cleaner. I will need to figure out a non-slip backing for it though.

I have been processing the garden today. I have done up three bags of tomatoes for the freezer, dehydrated some basil, picked more cucumbers, eggplant, beans, green peppers and jalapeno peppers as well. I will be making some parma on Friday so of course the menu has changed once again for this week. 

I got the labels on the salve I made (put that off way too long), and washed and dried some light grey fabric (cotton) to add to the quilt. Still need to iron and cut this though. 

I did another stripe on the rug and finished off a pair of mittens to rest my shoulders and neck from the weaving. 

On average I am saving 2 rolls of toilet paper each week by using the cloth wipes for my tinkles. It also feels so much softer. I vaguely remember using some type of cotton pads after the children were born. I do need to purchase a larger container to add water/bleach to in order to store them properly once used. 

Once I get a few other projects out of the way I am going to try my hand at making reusable paper towels. I should be able to get rid of a bit more of the fabric I have in my stash that way, and I need to make more cloth napkins and some more placemats (I do have the fabric to make most of these). 

I would also like to make some placemats for Kurt and Kris. Cloth napkins would be lovely as well. I have a few plastic clear Christmas ornaments that I will use to make little gifts for the family when they come for Christmas. Got to clear out more of the things in the sewing/craft room. Kind of decluttering with a purpose really. 

I am really looking at apartments and condo's in the city and man are they expensive overall. Really afraid that we have been spoiled as we have been mortgage free for probably 35 years. Still I will keep searching and perhaps something will jump out at me as just about perfect.

Off to get supper started and then spend a bit of time visiting you all.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. It’s expensive all over. I feel for the young who are unable to purchase a home and they barely can afford the rents. Sad

  2. You do keep busy. I like your idea of decluttering with a purpose - gifts. You planning on moving?

  3. I didn't realize you were looking for places but I'm sure you are in no rush. Of all of us, if the world goes to pot (more than it is) you will be most ready!

  4. Re making the rug non slip, could you buy a roll of the rubberized shelf liner at the dollar store and sew it onto the bottom? It works under my sewing machine foot to make it non-slip so should work for a rug as well.

  5. Years ago when we had cloth nappies we used a bucket with a lid, can you still get them, would be perfect for you tinkle clothes. Here in UK we used a produce called Napisan, it's still available here.

  6. I will be most interested to see how you go with the reusable paper towels Jackie ... as that is something I have thought about making in the past. xx

  7. Mortgage free for 35 years is a HUGE accomplishment! We use cloth napkins here too. And I have a bunch of flannel baby blankets to cut up for projects. They are so good and soft. I really enjoy using them. I’ve been thinking about Christmas too.

  8. The prices in the city have really increased since my son bought his place last fall. I've been watching Realtor, just out of curiousity and what I'm seeing is nuts. However, I wouldn't be surprised to see a correction later this year, as (sadly) some people won't be able to afford to remortgage their properties at the current rates.

  9. I've finally started quilting again this week and have been enjoying it. I'm looking forward to doing more in the autumn and winter and reducing my stash further.
