Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Midweek And The Last Week Of August


It has been a dark and very cool day. That is probably a good thing all told as the fact is I seem to be coming down with something and have not been able to get my smaller list of household tasks and fun things as completed as I would like. 

I couldn't even weave today as it is so dark even with the lights on. I may end up getting a light to plug in and set up to use by the loom when the weather is like this. 

I did get the peppermint infused oil started, the white clover salve made, and the saskatoons made into pie filling (since that turned out I am going to use last years blueberries and make some more for the freezer). 

I may go out and wipe down the outside furniture and call my day done. 

I really can't get sick as we leave on our get away in a little less than two weeks and I want to be able to hike and see all that the Cypress Hills has to offer. I also can't get sick as the garden is coming fast and furious and needs to be processed as much as possible over the next bit of time. I am also a bit worried as Covid is once again rearing its ugly head in our area. More and more cases are being reported. I don't need to catch that again and so when we are out and around others I will definitely be masking once again

The good (perhaps only good thing) about feeling blah is that I do slow down and rest between tasks. 

I purchased something online today to use with my FoodSaver vacuum sealer. I store a great deal of dry goods in canning jars and there have been a few times where I was unable to use the items up before they became "old" tasting. The item I bought is an attachments that will pull the air out of the jars and seal them. I am hoping that will help cutting down with waste. It will also make storing things like dehydrated fruit chips and veggies so much easier. 

Supper is going to be very easy tonight. I will be making Chicken a la King and since it has loads of extra veggies in it (diced onion, diced celery, and frozen peas) I should not have to make any sides. 

Off to visit as many of you as I can before supper is ready.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I hope you get to feeling up to par quickly. Do your garden stuff - and let the other things go for a bit. You sure need to be on your A game when on vacation.
    I have always wanted one of those vacuum things - you may have inspired me.

  2. I hope you are able to avoid a sickness. Not fun for anyone, at anytime and it usually gets passed around to others in the household.

  3. Oh dear, I hope you're not succumbing to covid! People seem to insist on not wearing masks any longer and many aren't bothering to get the booster shots either. DH and I are fully vacc'd and we still wear masks when out and about. They're saying the cases are on the rise again and it pays to continue to be cautious. Take care of you.

  4. Hope whatever you've caught will be over with quickly.
    Yum, Saskatoon berries are my favorite. My brother has a couple of bushes on his acreage but the birds tend to get to them first.

  5. Oh dear, I do hope you arent coming down with Covid, or anything else. Stay home and take care of yourself.

  6. Sorry to hear you're coming down with something. We've all been ill this week with a bug which hasn't been good timing, especially for OH.
