Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thrifty and Frugal Thursday

 Thrifty and Frugal

Sorry, missed posting yesterday. I just got too busy in the garden harvesting, going through the pantry and freezers. I also wanted to get the pieces cut for the quilt, and of course do some weaving. 

So what thrifty and frugal things have I been up to on the old homestead. 

I have been picking things out of the garden most days and finding ways to use the harvest. Today I made 4 containers of Eggplant Chickpea Stew as I call it. Tomorrow I will be back to dehydrating herbs, and also make the calendula salve. 

Mended a pair of Harvey's shorts. The pocket was coming apart so that was a quick fix.

Walking in the early morning for free exercise and some cooler air to breathe.

We got a very good rain last night so the rain barrel is full and I used that to water the plants under the eaves.

Still using up all leftovers. They are either made into another different meal, or used as is for lunches.

Made my lentil curry tonight and that will give us another two meals in the freezer. Really trying to plan ahead and get meals ready.

Our train companies have gone on strike and that means trouble transporting goods. I will be going shopping a bit earlier next week as I know for a fact that grocery shelves will probably soon be empty. Kind of like the height of Covid. I want to be prepared. While I know certain items will always be available there are a few that need transporting here from the east and that will be a problem.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I hadn’t heard about this train strike. I hope they settle quickly.

  2. You have been busy for sure. I read about the strike. I would sure stock up well on those things that you can't possibly take care of at home. There are certain things that we all use, that we just can't make (or don't). Could always be a new learning process as well. Hope it doesn't last long.

  3. The federal government has ordered the rail company and union to arbitration. The trains won't run for a couple of days but they'll be back online in a couple of days. However, that hasn't stopped the grocery stores from increasing prices already. I noticed a few items had been increased by 50 cents or more.

  4. Yikes on the strike! You are one smart cookie to stock up ahead of time!

  5. I am SO far behind in commenting and I do apologize. I finally realized that jumping in at this point is better than inundating you with comments.
    Our little balcony garden is pretty well at an end already. Usually we have cherry tomatoes well into September but not this year. I really hope I can get a basket of roma's at the farmer's market tomorrow because I want to make some tomato jam.
