The last few weeks have gone by in a flash. Due to computer problems, I was unable to post any pictures and I don't know about the rest of you, but a post without pictures or images is missing a great deal.
Kris worked on my computer on the weekend and I am back in business. I am beginning to think that the computers we buy get a mind of their own. The first one we had years ago seemed to last so much longer and caused me a lot fewer heart aches.
Any way here I am once again.
I finished the baby afghan while the computer was being crabby. This one I did in yellow and white. Turned out not too badly (if I do say so myself). I will be parceling it up tonight to go out in the mail tomorrow.

I also got to help Harvey put the window into the hole in the wall in the basement room. I am sooo very happy that this job was completed before the weather got too bad and we had to contend with a foot or two of snow as well. Here is what the room looks like now.

Now he is busy with the wiring for the extra plug in I wanted and the baseboard heater. Hopefully those will be done quickly and we can finish dry walling the rest of the room and fixing the dry wall that is already up. Harvey dislikes this part of the job intensely, but if we want the room finished by Christmas it needs to be done. I have picked out new paint colours and the material for the curtains. We both need to pick out new floor coverings however.

I received my second blogging gift from Brenda.
Some lovely wax melts, they infuse the room with the smell of maple sugar, one of my favorite things. A lovely stuffed pumpkin, which matches my decor perfectly, an embroidered linen dish towel, perfectly gorgeous note paper (which is something I never buy for myself) and a pound cake, which Harvey started to nibble on right after I took this photo.
I have her third of four parcels almost ready to go and I hope to have it in the mail by Friday. This has been so very much fun.
Well I guess I had better go and visit everybody.
Everybody have a wonderful evening. God bless.