Now I am off to visit all of you. God bless.
Now I am off to visit all of you. God bless.
I next made some Chocolate Covered Peppermint Patties. I got to use up the leftover mashed potatoes in my fridge. This gives them a bit of a moister inside even after drying overnight.
I next made some Peanut Butter Cups. My boys just love these. I bought a large envelope of small paper cups a few years back and this makes it so very easy. The only problem is that I have enough paper cups to last for years. At least I won't have to worry about an increase in price.
I also made Chocolate Snowballs that same evening. All I need to do is roll them in icing sugar when I am ready to serve them.
Today I made Almond Bark and Peanut Brittle. I remembered to take a picture of the the Almond Bark but not the Peanut Brittle. So my candy making will end with making Chocolates tomorrow and I will be moving on to Cookie making.
Our oldest son made it home today and we expect the youngest to arrive in the middle of the week. I am hoping to have lots of baking to send home with the two of them.
Well off to visit all of you.
Have a wonderful evening. God bless.
Isn't it beautiful! This lady has MS and can't do alot of the things that we do at our get togethers. At our last get together in the early summer we were divided into teams and went on a scavenger hunt. While her husband was gone, I went and talked to her and kept her company until his team got back. Never did I realize what such a little thing as time talking to another woman would mean to her.
I took a picture of the lovely card that went with this overwhelming gift, but you can't read it. So I will share with all of you what she wrote.
"I just wanted to thank you for the Arc day in the summer when you stayed and talked to me when Ken had gone for his turn. Your kindness was much appreciated. I wanted you to know you are a blessing and I believe a blessing to many. May you and yours have a wonderful Christmas and New Year"
Thank you and God Bless you for the encouragement you are.
I was overwhelmed by this gift. Never again will I take for granted that anything I do has the ability to change someones life or out look.
I also paid a visit to Linda, who presented me with this lovely award.
I am off to visit with all of you.
Have a wonderful evening. God bless