I'll be back tomorrow with a longer post, got to greet all my little visitors.
God bless.
This handmade runner is going to become a wall hanging for a corner of our living room. I held it up against the wall and it doesn't look half bad.
The best gift of all though was having my family together under one roof for a weekend. I miss our sons so very much.
The other gift arrived overnight and was not received with open arms.
Snow!!!! It has been snowing all day and I am pretty sure it snowed most of the night. The roads were terrible this morning, but by the time I came home the roads were wet and slushy. I can just imagine the skating rinks that I will have to negotiate tomorrow morning on the way to work. Have I ever mentioned the one and only thing I really hate about winter is the ice?
Well off to visit everyone.
Everyone have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
The icing is a bit runny and not as chocolate as I would like....but that's okay. Where it is going to end up, no one else will care.
Well off to visit you all.
Everybody have a wonderful evening. God bless.