Friday, February 14, 2025

Recipe Friday

Before I post the recipe I want to wish all of you a very Happy Valentines Day. 

I was asked to post my recipe for Granola and so here it is. I actually got this from a poster on a forum I am a member of. She wasn't too sure where she got it from so I can't give recognition to the original poster.

Slow Cooker Granola

Combine in a mixing bowl 3 cups oatmeal (not instant), 1/8 cup packed brown sugar, 2 tsp cinnamon (you could use a teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice instead), 1/2 cup shredded coconut, 1/2 cup chopped nuts or sunflower seeds or both (you can actually use any nuts that you have on hand). Add 1/4 cup vegetable oil (I used canola as that was all I had), 1/8 cup maple syrup (or regular pancake syrup), 2 tsp vanilla. Stir until dry ingredients are well coated with the oil and syrup.

Grease the slow cooker pot with butter or margarine and add the mixture. Cook on high 30 minutes with the lid slightly open on one end. Stir and repeat this process 4 more times, stirring after every 30 minutes leaving the lid ajar each time. 

Spread on a cookie sheet or jelly roll pan to cool. Once cool add your choice of dried fruit. Store in air tight jar or bag with air pressed out in the refrigerator. 

The house smelled awesome while this was cooking.

Sending you all some roses on this day.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Thrifty and Frugal Thursdays

Thrifty and Frugal 

Yippee, we had a fairly decent day today. Temperatures were pretty much almost normal for this time of year. Just perhaps a tad colder. However tomorrow we will be back in the deep freeze once again. That will hold true for the next 5 or 6 days. 

So what frugal and thrifty practices have been taking place on the Phillips homestead.

1.  Drapes open on the sunny days to take advantage of the solar heating effects of the sun. Cuts power and electrical costs down a bit.

2.  I mended a tote bag that is a few (okay more than a few) years old.

3.  Fixed a couple of buttons on one of Harvey's dress shirts that were coming loose.

4.  Actually took a bit of a walk today, the fresh air made me feel happy.

5.  Using up all leftovers in the fridge. I am happy to report there has been no waste so far this week. 

6.  Paid bills online to save on gas and errand time.

7.  Made some granola to use on my yogurt. This is the first time and it was so easy that I will make it again. 

8.  Doing with out the oven still and using appliances to do my cooking.

9.  Cutting scraps of fabric into 4" and 2" squares to use in quilts or other such items (perhaps even fabric that can be made into clothing). 

10. Harvey is repairing his gas ice auger instead of taking it in to a shop to be repaired.

11. I put $100.00 in my savings envelope and $6.15 in the change jars. 

12. Froze the sausage buns to use at another time for another meal.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Time Is Flying By


It just seems like yesterday I was doing a midweek post and here we are once again. Where on earth is the time going?

First, I will let you all know that I am not on blood thinners, and I am one of the people in Canada that does not have a GP right now and can't find one. That is another reason for moving as I just might be able to find one in the bigger city. I am hoping that the GP I did have passes the board inquiry with flying colours. I will say that 99% of the women that had him for a doctor (including me) have had no problems with him. Many of us figure someone has it out for him and is using the smallest of excuses to get him in front of the medical board. Right now he is allowed to refill my scripts and that is about it. 

The weather is freezing, but the sun is shining. I must remember to close the drapes a bit earlier tonight to see if that helps with stopping me from freezing as the sun goes down. I start adding layers and then taking them off once the furnace starts up once again. 

Got a bunch of grocery and store flyers today and much to my amazement most are posting where things are obtained from. Canadians are rallying behind our Prime Minister and purchasing Canadian Made, or Produced in Canada products. I belong to a Facebook page that lists Canadian products, and Canadian companies. That page in the matter of a couple of weeks is over 2 million strong and growing each day. Of course we won't be able to get everything here but many (add me in here) are purchasing from Mexico, Central or South America. 

I worked on cutting up some scrap fabric into suitable sized squares and only the tiniest of scraps are being tossed. I had thought of saving those for stuffing, but I no longer make toys. Worked on my embroidery and on my weaving. Tonight I will be working on my knitting. I so hope that I can manage to finish a few more of my goals this month. I really would like to be sewing next month (and of course knitting until the blanket is finished). My plans and goals for next month are already percolating through my brain. 

I hope to share some pictures with you all tomorrow of what is happening on the projects front. Perhaps even some finished or almost finished projects. Might be wishful thinking, but I am keeping my fingers crossed for at least two (one of which isn't on the list, but an addition to the list). 

No decluttering done yet this month. Kind of figured it would be more of a use it up month or a try and use up lots of the stashes month. So far that seems to be what is happening, and I have a feeling next month could be more of the same. I won't complain as every bit that is used and made into something that can be used by myself or others is a step forward in downsizing. Only thing is I have been looking at foot powered spinning wheels.... Do I need another hobby???? Probably not, but a friend is going to be raising sheep so......

It is also a step towards being just a tad more self-sufficient in a world that has gone slightly (okay perhaps more than slightly) bonkers. A world where bullies threaten, and all of us are left holding the bag. 

Off to visit with all of you and then get supper started. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tuesday Tidbits and Stuff


I am keeping my fingers crossed that this frigid weather leaves us very soon. The weather pundits are saying there could be a change as early as Thursday. 

We had hoped to go and visit with Kris this coming weekend and celebrate Family Day with him, but the night temps are still pretty cold. We will probably go up the next weekend instead. We need to look for some wooden chairs and I would like to get some more sewing machine needles, some quilt batting, and perhaps some thermal batting for a few ideas I have for casserole carriers. I will probably also get some heavier wool type fabric to make some vehicle blankets for Kurt and Kris.

There has been a bit of a problem getting our SUV started some mornings. Especially when it hasn't been used for awhile and the temperature falls into the feels like -40C range. Now we have it charged up once again and I make sure to start it and let the engine warm up and the battery charge the last two days. 

I can not believe we are almost halfway through this month already and my project/goals list is barely dented. My extra cleaning list on the other hand is disappearing by leaps and bounds. Now that is very strange!!! It is usually the other way around.

Today after all my tasks were completed I grabbed some fabric from the stash and made another tablecloth, definitely needed. While sewing the tablecloth my yogurt was draining in the fridge and I finally have some yogurt once again. I will make another batch in a couple of days. Can a person freeze yogurt I wonder? Sure would be nice if you could. 

I did some weaving today. When one of the warp threads broke I ended up cutting off the two placemats and re-warping the loom. I hope I have enough warp on it to get another two done. 

Why is it that as you age your skin becomes thinner and bruises much easier? It isn't like I didn't bruise easily before, but now my hands look like I have been in the fight of my life some days. Just covered in bruises that I have no idea how I received them. Most times I can't even wear my rings as they will bruise my finger. This minor question because as I typed this I happened to look at my hands and discovered another bruise that came from who know where. 

Off to get supper started. Actually just have to put the thawed casserole into the toaster oven and once that is almost ready, pull out the leftover salad.

Everyone have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Menu Monday


Here we are at the beginning of what looks to be another frigid week on the prairies of Canada. Just when we figure things are warming up, another Arctic blast arrives. 

So here are my menu plans for this week.


That Cream of Celery Soup along with grilled cheese sandwiches.


The Ham and Rice casserole in the fridge freezer. I will make another veggie to have with this.


A container of the meatballs that were made previously along with noodles and a take on a Greek salad.


Chicken strips, honey dill dip (hopefully I can find a recipe for that), leftover hash browns from the freezer and probably the remains of the salad. Perhaps some leftover noodles as well.


Perogies, fried onions and sour cream.


The container of chili I brought up from the chest freezer. Served with toast and sprinkled with cheese.


I did not read my menu correctly and brought up a beef roast. So I will use that and the leftovers will be incorporated into a meal next week. Looks like a roast meal is in the books after me saying I was going to use items up first. The usual roast carrots and roast potatoes as well. 

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sunday Ramblings


Today has been very quiet once again. I have worked on getting a few things completed and have managed to use a bit out of the fridge. There are still a few leftovers in there and those will be used very soon. No waste and shopping from my pantry and freezers seems to be working not too badly.

I do have one problem though. Years ago Harvey was out of work for almost a year, and if it hadn't been for a couple of people in the small village we lived in hiring him to help build things, or his father that hired him to work on the farm, and the family who gave us meat, eggs, and garden produce we wouldn't have made it. This scares me into not wanting to use up too much of my freezers or pantry and also makes me almost hoard sale meats, veggies, and such. I am not sure with the world being the way it is right now, if that will change. Here is hoping it does, as at times I actually forget all that we have. 

Weaving needed to be changed today as one of the warp threads tore. I had to cut one of the placemats about three inches shorter than the other. I re-warped the loom which took a bit and started another placemat. Perhaps I am getting the warp a bit too tight, so this next placemat the warp will not be quite as tight and keeping fingers crossed that it will work out. The two finished placemats are in the sewing/craft room and once the next two are completed I will hem them all on my sewing machine. 

Off to start supper. Potatoes need to be boiled, salad made and pork cutlets fried. I may even make some gravy for over the top of the cutlets and potatoes.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Saturday Roundup


It has been a pretty quiet week here on the old Phillips homestead. Today was slightly busier as I headed out early to get the errands done for the upcoming week. The weather is supposed to be much colder so I braved the cold today and got things completed so as to be able to stay in my nice warm home as much as possible during the cold snap.

This meant that I went to the bank, dropped off the donation bags from last month, got fuel in the vehicle, and did all the shopping. This took about 2 hours this time around, but I was happy that it didn't take me as long to find Canadian goods. I picked up a few items (well actually more than a few) for the pantry as well as some sale meats. I even managed to find brown lentils, something I have been searching for. Those are used in one lentil curry I really enjoy. I think I should have picked up another couple of coconut milk, but I can do so another time. 

Home, I put all away and realized that I need to do a pantry stock once again. I keep forgetting to do that. I also changed a few meals on my monthly meal plan to use a few older items up.

Swept the floors, cleaned out emails, and put away the dishes before I left on the shopping excursion. Texted back and forth with my neighbour as well. I think she wanted me to fix some zippers, but my machines do not handle heavy materials like denim in those cases. I gave her the name of a lady who does that kind of work. 

Phoned my brother and talked for 45 minutes. Our conversations are always the same. It is really hard to talk to someone who is schizophrenic and has the mentality of a 12 year old. 

After that conversation I did some weaving. Not as much as I would have liked but the light was changing. 

Project wise this is where I am right now.

This is the car blanket I made from the leftover fabric for my jacket.

The beginning of the knitted blanket for another of Kurt's friends. These blankets are for those who stuck up and protected him from right wing wackos. So I don't really mind making them and they do use up yarn from my rather extensive yarn stash.

I have started on another of the embroidered squares and am slowly getting it completed. 

And I am almost finished the second placemat. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.

Friday, February 7, 2025

A Quiet Life


I actually think we are entering a quieter lifestyle. Both Harvey and I are pretty content staying home, working in the yard, doing our various hobbies and projects. We enjoy going to visit our sons, playing on the computer, and watching our favourite television shows. 

I enjoy trying to find new ways to save a penny here and a dollar there (though lately at times it seems to be more pennies than anything else). 

However, I know that this might just be winter talk and come spring or summer we will want to be out and about more. Even then things are still based around our home and family. Neither of us have many close friends, lots of acquaintances but perhaps only one or two that we consider close. Most of Harvey's friends were work related and now that he is retired most seem to have disappeared. 

Also when we move we will need to make new friends and as a person ages that is much harder. Especially if one moves to a totally new area. 

At one point in time, we thought a small home would be a perfect place to move to. Yet when we look at our youngest son, he really does not even talk to his neighbours and they for sure do not talk to him. 

This has caused me to rethink moving plans and I am looking more into condos. There we would see people a bit more and perhaps due to meetings actually meet like minded couples or even individuals. As far as a yard, I am pretty sure youngest would be more than happy to share his with us every so often. He would probably like the fact that we would weed, plant and harvest. Heck we could even add some more fruit trees to his yard. There is lots of room to expand the garden area, and since he is on what could be classified as two lots, there is room to plant trees as well. 

As long as the condo has a fairly decent balcony so we can plant a few pots, and room for the smoker (keeping fingers crossed that perhaps the BBQ would fit as well) I thing we could manage. Also many condo HOA fees include heating, water, garbage pick up and a parking spot or two. Some even include electric. That could in fact be a pretty big savings on bills.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Thrifty and Frugal Thursday

 Thrifty and Frugal

So after the snow we have some fairly high drifts in our driveway. It is actually a bit too windy to snow blow so we probably will not be digging out until tomorrow. Don't want the wind blowing that snow back into our faces. 

So what frugal and thrifty practices have happened on the old homestead this week. 

Of course I have done the usual practices and I have also been on a use it up spree.

1.  I had some leftover fabric from cutting out the pattern for my coat. This fabric is a heavy woolen type and just perfect for what I wanted to do. I made the leftovers into a blanket to use in the car when we travel in the winter. There are a couple of fair sized pieces left so I have put those back in the sewing/craft room and will find a project where I can use those. I really need to use my serger/overlocker a bit more often.

2.  I rehemmed a pair of my pants.

3.  Pulled out some fabric and two runners (they need to be embroidered eventually) and am planning out two new tablecloths.

4.  Made veggie soup using those containers of leftover veggies from the fridge and some rather wilted celery. 

5.  Since the weather has been so yucky we have not been anywhere so no spending has occurred for 5 of the first 6 days of this month. We did have to pay for Hubby's partial plate on one day. 

6.  Using up leftovers either for lunches or for another meal in the weeks menus. Something I have done for years, but am getting so much better at that. 

7.  Researching Canadian businesses and places where one can purchase Made In Canada goods.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Midweek News


This morning I tried to start the vehicle and of course after not starting it for a number of days and the frigid cold, it would not start. Harvey got the battery charger on it and within about an hour the battery was up to charge, and it started. 

Once he got home from his dental appointment he worked on getting a cord in so as to plug the vehicle in. Which is good as we are now under a heavy snowfall warning with up to 20 cm falling (only 4") and lots of wind. 

This is what it looks like outside right now. Earlier I could see all the way across the valley floor. No longer is that possible. 

You can't really see how the snow is falling as the flakes are not large and fluffy. I can see a day of digging out tomorrow. No place we need to go so will spend most if not all the day tomorrow inside after shoveling or snow blowing. 

My menu plan for today calls for soup.... I was going to make up the container of frozen Cream of Celery Soup, but Harvey when told it was a soup and sandwich day asked if it could be Vegetable Soup. Since I had some small containers of veggies in the freezer from other meals, some celery that was wilting, and half a green pepper I said sure. I also got to use up some frozen tomatoes and the last of some condensed beef broth. Boiled some eggs and made egg salad for sandwiches as well. 

There should be more then enough to have a container or two in the chest freezer. 

I really like it when I can use things up and more or less clear them out, even if it is made into part of another meal. No waste in this house. This means even the chicken curry that really did not taste great will be used for our supper tomorrow. I may add some more spices when I reheat. I also plan on making flat breads to be eaten with and a small cucumber salad as well. 

I am also going to wait another month before getting the oven fixed I think. Really with the appliances I own that should not be a problem. I have managed this long, and even though my bread gets a bit well done I can still bake bread and cakes. I can even make pies in the toaster oven which is awesome. Years ago I purchased a mini donut maker and am planning on using that sometime very soon (it has been awhile). Kurt purchased me a mini pie maker which will be pulled out and used as well. The cake pop maker and the mini cupcake maker are in a bag to be donated. Those were used last when I was an aide and would bring the occasional treat to school for the children. Out of the house they go.

Projects are moving along, perhaps not as quickly as I would like but a bit is being done each day and eventually those larger ones will be completed and I could start on some new large ones. I have two counted cross stitch unfinished projects I would like to finish at some point this year. 

Still looking at properties in the city our youngest lives in and have found a few that we (or rather I like), but it will be awhile before we are ready to move. Yet the way the years are passing by that time could arrive very soon. 

Off to get some knitting completed, and to check and make sure I have visited all of you.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Tuesday Tidbits and Stuff


Winter is back once again, wind, snow and cold. I have stuck close to home the last few days, and it is amazing what can be accomplished.

I watched a YouTube channel this morning that had the title "Staying Busy At Home Saves You Money." How true is that!! Mind you cold weather has be doing the same thing. 

Because of the cloud cover I haven't been working on my embroidery as much as I would like, but knitting and weaving are coming along nicely. The first placemat is woven (still on the loom until I finish another three) and I have about 1/4 of the second one done as well. 

I also have about 3" completed on what I hope will be the last blanket for awhile. 

Laundry is done, folded and mostly put away. I just have my ironing to get away now. I did forget to iron the embroidered blocks I have completed, so perhaps I will pull out the iron and ironing board tomorrow and get those done. 

Harvey has his last dental appointment for a bit tomorrow afternoon when he will get his bottom partial plate. I have told him to make an appointment to get the top partial fixed (I think he will need one tooth pulled). May as well get that done with.

Harvey turns 75 this year and with his glaucoma we are a bit worried about his eyesight. Right now everything is stable and so we decided to take a trip. Plans are underway to head to Eastern Canada on a tour of some of the places he has never been to. I get to show him some of my old stomping areas like Toronto, The Thousand Islands, Niagara Falls, and Montreal. Me well I will get to visit a few places I have never been as well. Never been to Ottawa, or Quebec City. We don't want to go much further, like overseas, just in case there are eye problems or other health problems. We sure aren't getting any younger. 

Making these plans have actually excited us during this very long winter.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Menu Monday


A new week has arrived, bring with it a new menu and of course winter temperatures once again.


Leftovers from Saturday supper served with a salad.


Chicken casserole made with leftover roast chicken from Sunday and the remains of the salad.


Cream of Celery soup and egg salad sandwiches.


Leftover chicken casserole and coleslaw. 


Pancakes. Breakfast for supper, yummy. 


Smoked sausages, coleslaw, and probably pasta. 


Pork cutlets, mashed potatoes, and green beans. 

So there it is. Still working my way through leftovers and bits and bobs that seem to add up in the fridge freezer each and every week. I think I might give up the roast meals on Sunday for awhile so as to clear things out a bit. I also need to use some of the meals I made when I batch cooked. 

Everybody have a wonderful afternoon/evening.

God bless.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sunday Ramblings


I have been a bit ill over the last couple of days. One day, it was more not enough sleep, but I actually think that was leading up to today. 

I woke up with a major sinus headache, leaning towards a migraine type. I spent much of the morning leaning over the toilet bowl (if you know what I mean). I ended up in our bedroom with a cold compress on my forehead and drapes fully closed. 

Things are better now, but I am being very careful on what I do. Once I started feeling slightly better I did work on a few things. I managed to get some more done on the weaving, got my lists made for next week, brought up the food for next week, and did a tiny bit of journaling. 

Did a tiny bit of work on projects as well once the headache totally disappeared. Still not as much completed as I would have liked.

Sandy asked about my tinkle cloths. Yes Sandy I have cut some lovely soft fabric to use as toilet paper when I tinkle (the rest is regular toilet paper). I probably save at leas two rolls of toilet paper a week doing this.

Harvey has decided to phone and cancel the appointment with our dealership service department over his truck. Things seem to be working perfectly now. A bit of a savings there.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Not Looking Forward To Rising Costs And New Monthly Goals


I am not looking forward to the rising costs that will take place due to the blanket tariffs that were supposed to take place today, but now will be announced on Tuesday. Then of course there will be our targeted tariffs in reply. All this will do is make life more expensive for both Canadian and American citizenry. We are a much smaller country population wise and GDP wise so this trade war will cause us more problems than our bigger neighbour. 

Shopping Canadian is not inexpensive, I have found. In each area of my rather large, sparsely populated country Canadian products are sometimes hard to acquire. I joined a Buy Canadian Facebook page and man, those who live in the east, Alberta, British Columbia and even Manitoba have way more choices than poor stuck in the middle Saskatchewan. 

We do have an oil refinery though and the Co-op refinery in Regina hauls gas throughout our province. Surprisingly many of the other provinces do not have that capability as was noted on the "Buy Canadian" page. Thumbs up for that. 

Both Canada and the United States will hopefully get through this. I do know that many of us here in Canada will never feel as close to America again.

I haven't listed my goals/projects/plans in awhile so thought I would do so today.

1.  Continue decluttering.

2.  Finish weaving the placemats (changed from tea towels).

3.  Embroider at least one more rose quilt square.

4.  Knit the second blanket for Kurt's friend.

5.  Cut more scrap fabric up either for use in quilts or for tinkle cloths.

6.  Use the leftover fabric from cutting out my coat pattern to make a car blanket.

7.  Sew the tote bag that I stitched 4" squares for the front. 

There will more than likely be a few additions depending on how quickly I get these listed projects/goals completed.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday Frugal Tips


I thought that I would share a few more tips that we have used on our Frugal Living journey.

Make homemade gifts. I have found that when I do so I get the satisfaction of creating something, and our sons are so very happy to receive them.

Turn the water heater down a little bit. You can save almost $400.00 a year doing so.

Try not to use paper towels or paper napkins. I do use paper towels for really messy clean ups, but I am thinking of trying to make some cloth ones. I mostly use rags made from old clothes. You could save almost $200.00 a year if you switch to cloth.

Do not let the water run when you handwash dishes.

Change your lightbulbs to LED. Savings could be almost $200.00 by doing so. They also last much longer than regular bulbs or CFL's.

Don't use your credit card unless you can pay it off each and every month.

Practice thrifting or shopping at consignment stores. Now you can also shop garage sales online.

Buy clothing at your favourite stores after a season ends. Clearance racks have awesome reduction in prices.

I hope that some of these tips strike a cord and help you in these trying times.

Everyone have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Thrifty and Frugal Thursday


                                                    Thrifty and Frugal

Trying to stay thrifty and frugal this week. I do have a feeling as time passes there could be a bit of a problem with the frugal part. Thrifty will continue as usual. 

So what thrifty and frugal practices have been happening here on the old homestead. 

1.  Most of this month I have been using those small appliances to cook our meals (mind you I do miss my oven now). Hopefully this will show up as a savings on our electrical bill.

2.  I think I have managed to get Harvey to turn off his lights in the basement mancave. I am of course continuing this upstairs. 

3.  Combined errands in order to save fuel and vehicle wear and tear.

4.  Turned a collar on one of Harvey's dressier shirts. 

5.  Darned a pair of my socks.

6.  Used lots of substitutions while cooking this week. 

7.  Cut a whole pork loin into a roast and 5 meals of pork chops.

8.  I had some wrinkled potatoes and so weighed them and found I had the 2 pounds necessary for potato soup. That was made today and will be put in the freezer after labelling.

9.  Using up leftovers in other meals.

10.  Walking (even if it is in the house) for free and frugal exercise.

11.  Taking advantage of sales, and free entertainment.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Questions Answered

 I thought perhaps I would answer a few questions from my last post here, rather than each individually. If anyone is like me, I sometimes forget to go back and see if there is an answer to my question on a post. So here goes.

1.  I have never even tried to make my own microwave popcorn, but that sounds like a very good idea. Next time I shall pick up some lunch bags and regular popcorn to give it a try. After all I make my own bread, spice mixes, and yogurt this would be just another arrow in the frugal arsenal. 

2.  I know that Walmart and Costco are American stores (so is Home Depot) but Walmart carries lots of Canadian goods and does have a head office here in Canada. I kind of hold off on allowing Galen Weston (owner of No Frills, Loblaws, Super Store and so on) from becoming richer than he already is. He also price gouges. So purchasing a Canadian product in Walmart will still be helping a business in this country.

3. The nearest Giant Tiger is approximately 2 1/2 hours away from us. Perhaps the next time we go to Regina we will pay that store a visit. I did visit the one in Yorkton when we went to visit the Aunts (that is 3 hours away) and liked what I saw.

4. I will probably charge a nominal amount if this knitting class goes ahead. What I gather is that most of the ladies (and gentlemen) that would take it have no knitting experience whatsoever. That could be a challenge. While I have taught girls in the Guiding movement knitting, never have I taught an adult.

I think that what I thought could be tea towels on my loom are going to end up becoming placemats. The fabric just seems slightly too thick to make a good absorbent tea towel. I will be on the lookout for slightly thinner cotton yarn for the weft in order to make those tea towels a bit later on. Pretty sure the next thing I weave will be some kind of fabric to make a belted wrap, or perhaps a poncho, or perhaps another rug for an area in the basement that needs one. So many ideas and so little time. 

In my decluttering I found an old ball point pen that was given to me as a graduation gift from Grade 8 (so very long ago). The inner refill has been gone forever so I decided to see if I could find one in town. I did, but at almost $8.00 I am going to search online for the next one. I purchased the refill and have even done a bit of journaling with it today. So nice to be able to use it once again even with the cost. Oh, yeah, the refill came from France!!!!

I won't be finishing any more of this month's projects. I could perhaps do so if I did not work on the loom or embroider and just stick to knitting, but my hands and back need a change every so often. Hopefully at least the knitting will be completed very soon into February. 

Off to visit you all as supper is cooking and I have time.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tuesday Tidbits and Stuff

 I went to the Great Create again this week and was asked if I would be willing to teach some adults how to knit. Was told that I could probably charge what the lady who taught a class on weaving charged. Not sure I really want to charge anything. What do you all think? The group has some knitting needles and all I would need to supply would be yarn. Now it isn't like I don't have lots of that, could be a way of clearing out the stash a bit. 

Otherwise my morning was taken up with shopping for groceries. That took a great deal of time as I was looking for Canadian substitutions for American products. Now, one would think buying from your own country would be less expensive.... Nope, not really, but some items were on sale so that was a good thing. Also produce and fruit from Canada right now is limited to things like root vegetables, frozen berries/fruit, and apples. The only other fruit that came from somewhere else was bananas and those were from Guatemala. Still I did what I could to keep our economy active. With the threat of tariffs we are being asked to shop Canadian, and that is what I will do.

I haven't done this in awhile, but I thought I would show you all what I got for groceries and other supplies. Plus what it cost me. Much of this will not be eaten for a number of weeks, perhaps months in some cases. The fresh veggies, fruit, and dairy (milk) will be used over the next couple of weeks.

First off my Co-op haul.

Yes, there are a few snacky type items, but that is mainly because I can't really bake any cookies, pita chips, or coffee cakes until my range is repaired and we were getting a bit tired of nothing to nibble on. Total cost of this was $262.20, but I saved $24.97 and once a year I get approximately 5% back on grocery purchases as I am a member of the Co-op.

Next up are my purchases at Walmart. A few things were purchased on sale, and I went through some of their bagged frozen items and may go back by the end of the week and pick some eggrolls, stuffed chicken breasts, and pizza bites up. At $10.00 each for a pretty large bag I think that could be a good deal for us. 

I also got Harvey a puzzle book and some microwave popcorn as he loves that as a night snack. I also got some heavy bristol board for mounting his jigsaw puzzles. Then of course there was the Tylenol Extra Strength and Tylenol Arthritis. I don't use them often so these will last awhile. Total cost was $172.62. 

I also use my credit card, which is paid off monthly to get more back. I usually get enough back by the end of the year to almost pay my groceries for a month. 

So in case any of you are interested in the conversions, here they are:

In U.S. dollars I would have spent in total $245.96.

In U.K pounds sterling I would have spent 242.73 pounds.

In Euros I would have spent 290.86 Euros. 

Living in the center of Canada, in a small city with very few grocery options you can see that things are a little bit costly here even on sale. So I stock up and try my best to get deals on meat, grow lots of my own veggies, dehydrate herbs, and do whatever I can to save money here and there. We have very few yellow sticker items as well. Also remember that much of this will be eaten weeks or months down the road so if something happens we are well prepared, which is what I like. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Menu Monday


Time for the next menu plan. This one goes into next month and the beginning of the tariffs on my country. Most of our meat, and dairy come from companies that are Canadian, or at least have a Canadian presence. However some things are going to be tough to find. Could mean a bit more time spent shopping than I would like.


Leftover Turkey Chili from Saturday along with some toast.


Leftover Beef Roast made into a casserole (I hope to try something new). It will be served with the remaining coleslaw.


A soup and sandwich meal. I will be making some noodle soup and either chicken or turkey salad sandwiches.


Leftovers from Tuesday. I will make some kind of salad to go along with it.


Salmon casserole, the leftover salad from Thursday, and perhaps a side of corn as well.


Pulling a package of frozen leftover ham out and making a pasta casserole. Pretty sure I will make some coleslaw to go along with it.


Roast Chicken, along with mashed potatoes and green beans. I may see if the cavity in the chicken is large enough to make stuffing. Gravy for the mashed potatoes would be nice as well.

Breakfasts will be my homemade yogurt, lunches will be any leftovers or sandwiches. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Saturday Roundup


When working on three projects at once, not a whole lot manages to be completed. But I did finally finish the rose block that I was embroidering.

Please don't mind the wrinkles.

Ironing will take place once I get a couple more completed. I may also begin putting the quilt top together... Depends on how I am feeling.

I started the next block this week.

I work on my weaving for about 2 hours as well. And I think that I will be putting the yarn I wish to use to separate the tea towels in very soon. There are 4 turns of the wheels on the bottom, one more should see the end of the first tea towel. 

So while I will be carrying over this project into next month I am hopeful of getting this project completed early next month.

The blanket being knit is moving along. Pretty sure once this third ball of yarn is done, so will the blanket be. 

I can then start on the second one for Kurt's friend. Hopefully he won't figure out another person who needs one. The great thing is I am actually using up yarn from my stash on these. Now that is excellent. 

Decluttering has continued, and so far this month the donation bags now have 40 items. I hope to get a few more clothing items removed. I just have to try them on first and make a decision. 

Work was done on the project/goal list for next month and that should be completed very soon. I have put in a few quickly completed projects so as to not have a list with nothing stroked off. I will share that with you all at the end of the month.

So that is what I have been up to this week. Hopefully a couple more projects will be either completed or have gotten a head start on next month by the time of the next Roundup post.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Frugal Tips

 It has been awhile since I shared any of my frugal living tips, so I thought I would do so today. Some I have probably shared before, so forgive the repeat.

1. Create a budget. You can use a notebook or like myself a spreadsheet on my computer.

2. Buy generic brands when shopping, or at least try a few out. I purchase generic frozen veggies, generic freezer bags, generic mushrooms and am pretty much willing to give other generic items a try. Some generic brands can save you up to 40%, especially when they are on sale.

3. Stick to your shopping list. That is unless you see something that you use, that was not advertised at a super discount. Then stock up if you are able.

4. Do batch cooking when you can, or even just make larger batches of things like chili, soups, or stews (probably more but just can't think of them right now).

5. Watch your water and electrical usage. Fix those leaky faucets and use LED lightbulbs to save on electrical costs. If you need to use the oven make sure it is full. The same with using your washer make sure it is a full load, and if possible hang clothing to dry.

6. Cook at home. One can make most of what a person orders for take out in your own home and for a lot less money.

7. Drink water instead of sugar laden drinks. Make your own to go coffee.

8. Make your own cleaning products for just pennies.

9. Learn to sew as then you can repair your clothing instead of discarding them and purchasing new. Make your own clothing, or upcycle old clothing into something new.

10. As all of you know I make most of my gifts to give at Christmas. Pretty sure I have saved a bundle doing so.

So there are a few of the tips I have used over the years to save money. More will be shared in later posts.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


Got our vehicle back about an hour earlier than they had told us. The bill was about 1/2 of the first estimate, and because they made me wait an extra day.... I was only charged 1 hour for labour. Love my dealership.

Up next is Harvey's partial plate and then we will work on getting our friend to look at the oven. 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Thrifty and Frugal Thursday

Thrifty and Frugal

 The vehicle is still at the dealership. Turns out all the parts were not delivered, but would have come in now. The dealership asked if they could keep it overnight and I said of course. So we will be picking up the SUV in the early afternoon tomorrow.

So what thrifty and frugal things have I been up to this week.

1.  Made more yogurt. This seems to have turned out to be much thicker. I used some cream added to the milk to see if that would improve the consistency, and it has. So a bit of cream will be added to the mixture from now on. Makes it cost a bit more, but I seem to get more as it is thicker.

2.  Tried baking bread in the electric roaster.... It was baked, but did not have a nicely browned crust. Still, at least it did not burn.

3.  Since my oven is still not working (Harvey did more checking of the wiring and such) I am giving my cooking appliances a great work out. Probably saving quite a bit on the electrical front.

4.  All leftovers are being used in other meals, so no waste is occurring right now.

5.  Of course I am still doing all the little usual frugal habits, like hanging clothes on the lines downstairs, combining errands, paying bills online, and I am using up some instant coffee that I really do not care for.

6.  Saving plastic containers to use to freeze or store leftovers in. 

7.  Made my shopping list today checking out as many sale fliers  as I possibly can. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Midweek, Trying New Things


Dear readers, I did go to the Great Create for a bit this morning. Not as much as I would have liked, but enough to get a feel for how things work. I took along the newest rose block I am embroidering, and visited with a few of the ladies attending. I will definitely make an effort to attend next weeks Create and stay longer.

Many of the ladies are painters, and since I can't draw for love or money I found the way they do water colours so very interesting. There were a few people crocheting, and a couple of knitters. One of the ladies who is a friend of mine on Facebook, got very excited to see me. She said she hoped I would bring my loom sometime. I told her only if I had lots of help to get the 48" loom out of the car, through the parking lot, into the building and then into the room they use. Just too big to bring anywhere. Though perhaps sometime I will get a smaller more portable one.

I couldn't stay too long, as my sister had phoned and wanted to drop in and see me. I haven't really seen her since our trip to see the Aunts in October, so of course I said yes. So it was home to get my bread in the electric roaster (baked, but really did not brown very much) and start the draining of my yogurt batch.

My sister and I had a lovely visit. She and her husband will be heading to Spain in a few weeks. While there, their oldest son will join them for a week or so. J lives and works in the Netherlands and so once a year they meet in Europe somewhere, and then once a year he tries to make it home for a couple of weeks to help with harvest.

After Jo left I did a bit of weaving. It got cloudy and snowy once again so the embroidery was set aside, close to hand in case the sun came out once more. It didn't, but that's fine as there is always tomorrow to work on it or I will continue weaving and knitting.

Harvey gave me the wrong date that the SUV is going in to be repaired. Turns out I need to take it in at 9 tomorrow morning. We have appointments to get our hair cuts tomorrow at 11, there is a bit of banking to do, payment of some bills online,  and I want to order our prescriptions and pick them up. Going to be a pretty busy day. I really hope we get the vehicle back the same day we take it in. I hate leaving things overnight at the dealership even though they have security. I will, however, enjoy having a vehicle that can be plugged in to keep the engine warm.

I am not sure what Friday will bring. Probably just a regular day with the added fun of trying to get a grocery list made for the shopping on Tuesday. I really want to get as much in the pantry and freezers as possible before we do a retaliation for the tariffs. There are a few items I purchase that come from the United States and I do know oranges and orange juice will more than likely be one of the targeted items for Canada to place a tariff on. 

Off to visit with you all.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.