Friday, August 11, 2023

Frugal Friday


Another Friday has arrived and we are getting very close to the middle of the month, still leaving me lots to try and get completed. I am doing my best, and now that Harvey is helping with harvesting the garden things are moving right along. I will have to harvest beans and peppers tomorrow (plus a few eggplant I am thinking) but at least it isn't the whole thing on my own. 

Now what frugal things have I been up to this week.

1.  Dehydrated some peppers that were going a bit soft, and will probably do some more tomorrow.

2.  Dehydrated some herbs, and will also do more tomorrow morning first thing.

3.  Using up leftovers in new meals and today instead of the menu plan I will have a clean out the fridge meal. We usually go meatless on Friday's but not this week.

4.  Using my homemade dandelion salve most evenings to control the back pain. Must remember to make lots more of this next spring.

5.  Got a free small shoe stand that I am using in the sewing/craft room for organizational purposes. Makes a lovely storage area for my shea butter, coconut oil, molds, small tin containers, and beeswax pellets. 

6.  Did my shopping and while the total cost was pretty high I did manage to stock up on items for the pantry and freezer.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Friday sure rolls around quickly, doesn't it? Hope you have a good weekend.

  2. You always inspire me to do better with 'no waste', especially on the food front. Wishing you & Harvey a wonderful weekend!

  3. Enjoy your weekend! Hopefully the garden will let you have a break. :)

  4. Reading about the shoe stand gave me ideas but then I looked around my sewing space and realized that I'd have to hang it from the ceiling in order to have space. Hmmm....pondering....
    Glad your DH is helping you with the harvest.

  5. My totals at the grocery store lately are much higher than I like. Have you shared your dandelion salve with us? I would like to know how you make that. We used up a lot of leftovers this week too. It’s great not to have the food waste.

  6. I hope your back isn't giving you as much trouble now. xx
