Sunday, August 13, 2023

Sunday Ramblings


It has been a very quiet day here on the old homestead. Swept the back deck, made my list of tasks for next week, put away the dishes in the dishwasher, and brought up the meat for the main courses next week. Of course those could change as they seem to do with great regularity here.

I have spent most of the day knitting. I really want to get this blanket finished so keep your fingers crossed for me. That would leave only two for this family left to finish. One will be coming with me to work on in the evenings on our cruise.

I started the cherry liqueur today and will finish it off tomorrow morning. 

There was a point that I thought I would try my hand at making gherkins, but there are no small cukes out there to pick. I will check again in a day or two. It would be something different and perhaps keep the cukes from getting so darn large. 

It has been cloudy off and on today and we got 4/10ths of an inch of rain last night. Hoping it clears up so we can see the meteor showers tonight. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless. 


  1. Fingers crossed you get it finished. ALDI sometimes sells teeny tiny cukes. So fun to make into pickles. The day knitting sounds fun. Cheers, Ivy.

  2. Your home mades all sound so, so good. I love reading about them. xx

  3. Glad to see you having a more relaxing day today. Good luck getting the knitting done.

  4. I have never tried to make gherkins, but I do have a jar in the cupboard so there's no need to attempt it this year ... I only eat them very intermittently. I was going to pick my rhubarb and freeze it ready for use in Winter, but it's raining so hard, it's not worth getting soaked to the skin for. I'll do it tomorrow instead.

  5. When I wasn't growing cukes, I would buy the 'little' baby cukes at Kroger - they were so crunchy and sweet.
    Relaxing sounds nice.
    Please tell about the liquor being done in a couple days! I have heard of people letting it set weeks - never a couple days.

  6. Good luck with the knitting. I've never taken a large project on a cruise because I figure it would take up too much space in my luggage. If you're starting a new blanket, you could certainly get a portion of it complete. Most cruises have a group, Knitters and Natters or something similar) on sea days. The information would be in the daily events, and is usually held about 9 or 9:30 until 11 or 11:30. It's a great to meet fellow cruisers and to see some interesting projects.
    We didn't have rain yesterday thankfully. I need to get out and mow, the grass is incredibly long!

  7. Your relaxing day sounds lovely. It's what you deserve after so much busyness. I love gherkins, but have never tried to make them. I should make some pickled onions again sometime. Hope your weather was better today. We're getting rain for the next 24 hours.

  8. It's good to sit and knit! You don't stay still for long so enjoy a little down time.

  9. Have you tried making refigerator pickles? Resident Chef often makes them, mainly because we don't have any place in the apartment that's cool enough to store pickles or preserves.

  10. I'm a bit late visiting blogs. Sorry about that. Quiet sounds good to me.
