Saturday, August 5, 2023

Saturday Roundup


A great many things have been happening here on the old homestead. 

Between a neighbour moving, leaving us as the oldies on the block, and trying to get a number of carried over projects done, I have been inside most of the week. Well early mornings I am out in the garden picking, which means part of some days are spent processing the harvest (or using the gleanings in that day's meals). 

Slowly but surely getting things on the road to completion and perhaps even getting some new projects started. We shall see.

Today I blanched and froze tomatoes and decided to dehydrate the skins, grind and put that in a glass jar. I am really into the let's not waste anything mindset right now. Peelings and such are getting thrown in the garden and will be worked into the soil in the fall. 

I even managed to get the two fire pit blankets put together. Tomorrow I will start the quilting, and hopefully get the binding done and the two totally finished by the middle of the week. I am not holding my breath though.

I also got my 2 ounce tins (50 or so of them) and I am thinking of making my salves and such to sell... We shall see.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. You sure do pack alot into your days Jackie. You are a busy lady. Enjoy the week ahead. xx

  2. Not heard of dehydrating tomato skins, what a good idea, I guess the resulting powder is full of flavour. We're the oldies too in our row of 4 houses - in fact we're old enough to be the parents of all the others!

  3. Busy week productive week for you.

  4. Once again you've been a busy little bee with all the things you've accomplished. I've never heard of dehydrating tomato skins until recently. Wish our dehygrator hadn't bit the dust because it would be fun to try it.

  5. You definitely had a busy week. I wouldn't have thought to dehydrate the tomato skins either; do let us know how you use them.

  6. You surely had a busy one. Lots of things accomplished. I love dehydrating tomato skins and grinding. They make great flavor enhancer for dishes.
    Hoping you have a great week.

  7. Wow, you go girl!! Lots of things going on there. I'm impressed!

  8. Yes, you do have lots of things to do! I love the idea of you making creative.
