Saturday, August 12, 2023

Saturday Roundup


It has been a busy week here on the old homestead. Trying my best to get the garden harvested and processed and things seem to be moving along just fine. This does mean harvesting almost every day something that is ready to be picked and figuring out what to do with said item. 

The dehydrator has been running most days. 

Peppers that were going a bit soft.

Herbs of some type almost every day.

Dehydrated tomato skins all ground up. 

Then there was the freezing....

More beans and tomatoes are now residing in the chest freezer downstairs. We are slightly disappointed in the pole bean production. I don't think we will be getting very many this year. Tomatoes on the other hand have gone a bit crazy.

Also freezer making....

There were 7 trays of Eggplant Parma, 6 of which are in the freezer. We had the 7th for supper that night.

We picked fruit... but for some reason I only got a picture of the plums.

I also managed to finish the two fire pit blankets for Kurt and Kris.

It has been a very good week.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. You've been super busy and productive. You'll need your holiday after all your hard work. Harvest time over the summer months is always so busy.

  2. I LOVE how much food you processed. Dried stuff, I love too. I like to use it for soups later. Yum.

  3. Fantastic. It does the soul good to store up in times of plenty, I think. The blankets are beautiful. xx

  4. Those blankets will be welcome on cool evenings for sure. Good for you for dealing with all the garden produce. You'll feel good when you see your full freezer and all the jars of dried things on your shelves.
