Saturday, August 19, 2023

Saturday Roundup


It has been a very quiet day here on the old homestead. I have been poking around and doing a few tasks that I have held off on doing, and finishing some processing of the garden.

Nothing too strenuous, or taxing, with plenty of rest between chores. Still a bit queasy, but nothing like I was a few nights ago. 

After reaching a high of 34C yesterday, today our high has only been 20. So much cooler and the breeze that is wafting through the house is enabling me to keep the air conditioner off.

I got my tablet up and running somewhat better. I still have to add another email account, but well I can slowly do those additions as time permits. 

Harvey was a sweetheart today and did the watering of my flowers. I do think a few will be tossed in the next week or two. The pots I am thinking of have gotten pretty leggy and seem to be more green than petunia. May as well toss them and clean the pots out.

I will head out in a bit and pick cucumbers and peppers. Not sure about tomatoes, but some cherry tomatoes would be lovely.

I found some deep, oblong tinfoil containers and lids at our Dollarama so perhaps tonight or early tomorrow I will get the last of the eggplants made into Parma. 

Scraps of fabric I have in a box have been pulled out and I am gradually cutting 2 1/2" squares. There are many a scrap that will need to be cut even smaller. First I must make a template to use. Then comes the "be careful not to cut off the end of my finger" time. I also need to cut some 4 1/2" squares out of the fabric I cut out of the older suitable clothing. Going to be scraps from there for sure. This could definitely be an ongoing project for sure.

The knitted blanket is coming along and I am hopeful of being finished by the end of next week, or at least before we leave on our getaway.

Pretty sure I would not be this far ahead if I was still posting on that forum. I do check as I am still moderator, but I am on and then off right away. Also still waiting for a message from the owners that they got my message about my resignation. One thing for sure, is that I don't think I am missed very much, though I could be wrong about that and people are just giving me space to regroup and decide what comes next. 

Sticking to the weekly menu not too badly, but tomorrow Harvey wants to give me a bit of a break and so it will perhaps be a fast food night. Might be a great idea, depending on what I harvest from the garden tonight. 

Harvey is out smoking ribs and I have leftover salad and will make creamed potatoes... Supper done.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. So pleased you are feeling a bit better, make sure you don't overdo things.

  2. Hope you continue to feel better. Cooler weather makes things so much nicer.

  3. Glad you're feeling a bit better. It must be a relief to hand in your resignation after so long and have more free time now. Sounds like you've done a good long stretch on the forum and I would hope that they are very grateful of the time you've given to it. If not, you have definitely made the right decision.

  4. I agree with the other comments! Hope you continue to feel better each day.

  5. Jackie, I have been awol again with the forum, but I heard about your resignation. You will leave some ginourmous shoes to fill, as you have been nothing but kind and generous in the example of frugality you have shown for many years. You will be missed - I know this as well as I know my own name. I'm sure people are giving you a chance to take a breath and regroup. That said, I'll definitely be checking in more frequently with your blog! Much love from your Tennessee friend.

  6. I would hope the owners of the forum just haven't simply been taking you for granted and acknowledge what you've contributed.
    Glad to hear you're trying to take it somewhat easy so you can feel better.
