Saturday, August 26, 2023

Saturday Roundup


I have spent this past week working on getting the garden in and processed. 

Also finished cutting up the scraps of fabric. First into 4 1/2" squares and then the scraps from that into 2 1/2" squares. I did not get a photo of the larger squares, but I did manage to get a picture of the smaller squares and some of the fabric I recycled.

Lots to work with over the coming months.

I made more Eggplant Parma for the freezer.

I am now up to 11 trays in the freezer for meals this winter. We have even had one for our supper and I made 2 larger family sized trays one of which will be coming with us to Kris's. I always try to bring a meal or two up with us when we go. Saves him some money and at times has helped us clean out the fridge.

Tomatoes and what I think will more than likely be the last harvest of beans (processed today).

Hmm, missed getting one of the beans. Really I only got one bag for the freezer. Quite the difference from other years where I was giving beans away.

More cucumbers picked, as well as jalapeno's.

Notice that the cherry tomatoes are also starting to arrive. The jalapeno's have doubled as I picked more today. Still more to come.

Finished the one knitted prayer blanket, and started on the third. No pictures as I am going to try and take a picture of all four once they are completed.

My powdered tomato skin jar is slowly being added to and I am looking forward to using the powder. 

I was asked what perogies were. Well, they are dough (much like uncooked/undried pasta dough) that is rolled out and cut in circles. Then a filling is added to one side or the center of the small circles. Most fillings are potato with something added. Some people use potato and cheese, some use potato and dry curd cottage cheese, some use potato and bacon (chopped and fried). Then some people make fruit perogies which have no potato. These are then dropped into boiling water and drained when done (the perogies float to the top). Some then fry them, some cover them in melted butter in which onion has been fried. Usually served with a dollop of sour cream.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I love perogies, especially with sour cream and chives, but have never made them. Just get the store bought which I'm sure aren't nearly as nice as yours!

  2. Years ago my husband stayed in a Polish respite Home for a couple of weeks. Perogies were often served, but he found them a bit boring as there was no sauce and they were a bit dry.

  3. With all that you do, you remind me of Moms process when we lived the farm life. Nice job!!

  4. Okay, now I want perogies. We usually eat them in the winter with sausage or bacon on the side. My preference is the garlic perogies boiled, then fried, with onion and sour cream. So good!

  5. Great harvests Jackie. Like yours, ours are coming to an end too.

  6. We're getting more cherry tomatoes at the moment than we can eat so the neighbours are benefiting too. Hopeful that the green peppers will grow a lot in the next week too.

  7. I wish I had some of those tomatoes, they look so good. And the eggplant parm, while we're at it. Ha!
