Wednesday, August 2, 2023


 I have spent lots of time staying home and trying to get as much done this month as humanly possible.

This week I finished one of the blankets for the girls of Kurt's friends. Little girls like sparkle, or at least I hope they do.

I have started the second blanket. Still sparkly, but in shades of gold and brown. I will need to add a contrast colour in order to make it large enough and I found a shades of brown, cream and orange that should work. 

I did make the lavender salve but didn't get a picture before putting it away. Bad thing it is the same colour as the dandelion salve. Must make labels for it.

I started my oregano infused oil.

In a couple of weeks I will be turning this oil into salve as well. I also found a recipe for sage infused oil which can also be made into a salve for cuts and bruises. I will probably start that right after the oregano infused oil is ready. Should be able to get that
 made before we leave on our cruise.

Instead of making sachets with this harvest of dried lavender, I made lotion bars. Perfect to rub on dried hands and cracked heels this winter. I will be harvesting more lavender tomorrow so those sachets are still going to be made.

I have an overabundance of green peppers right now, so the four that were in the fridge have been dehydrated.

I know I will be adding to this as the harvest season progresses.

I have been picking in the garden as well. No pictures of the tomatoes or beans but here are cukes, peppers, and another rather large eggplant.

I will need to get out early tomorrow to harvest the lavender, and more from the garden. I see there are some more beans that need picking, and those chokecherries at the end of the street are now ripe. 

Today I spent sometime researching our ship and what the weather could be like when we are on our cruise. I think I just might add an umbrella to the packing. September is Alaska's rainy month.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Some good harvests there Jackie. I pickled some beetroot from the allotment this week. I've been using a marigold salve I made a while back on burns and blisters and it's helping to heal them up quickly, so I'm happy about that. I made it for LB for her psoriasis, but she finds it too greasy, so it's good to find other uses for it.

  2. Goodness sakes you have been busy and creative. Love the sparkle!!!!!!! Have a good day.

  3. Once the garden starts to produce, it seems to be non-stop. The veg look great!
    Rain is pretty typical in Alaska in May as well, though I didn't have an umbrella. You do want to take layers and a waterproof jacket. It can get quite cool when viewing the glaciers, in particular. I took a pair of those mini gloves too and they were good when out on the deck taking photos of the glaciers. I'm excited for you, as I'm guessing you'll have the bonus if the fall colours too.

  4. You certainly have been busy! I'm still in awe at how fast you knit and wish I could be a fly on the wall to watch your technique. I'm self-taught so I know I have a ton of bad habits.
