Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Midweek Blues

 I don't feel very calm right now. In almost exactly three weeks we will be on our cruise. Trying to get as much done as humanly possible which is going sort of okay. 

However the more I do, the more my body tells me I just might be doing too much. I am pretty much one big ache right now. Dandelion salve to be rubbed in tonight.

It rained off and on today, so one would think I had a restful day. Nope, not at all.  There were two items I did not get completed and those were harvesting the garden fully and picking chokecherries. I did get beans picked and frozen, the Eggplant Parma made, herbs dehydrated, some hand sewing, and more decluttering of the sewing/craft room. Pictures to appear on Saturday. Those are up again tomorrow. If the forecasted rain does not fall. 

I do have lots that I could complete inside if trips outside are not available. I have green peppers to dehydrate, a sewing/craft room to continue decluttering (and finding more unfinished projects, oh dear). I could also clean the fridge, stove and oven. Baking a loaf of bread is always a possibility as well. 

There are the fire pit blankets to get done, and work on the knitted child's blanket as well. 

Oh, and I should really write a letter to a friend across the pond. 

No rest for the wicked I guess. 

Off to do some of that knitting and enjoy a well deserved glass of wine.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Enjoy that wine and . . . breathe.
    Decide what HAS to be done and what could wait, even if you'd rather get them finished. And give yourself some 'me' time. No point knocking yourself out so much that you are in no fit state to enjoy the cruise.

    Sending relaxing vibes . . . xx

  2. It's just after 4 a.m. as I was wakened by a thunderstorm passing over us. The rain is chucking done and I'm hoping there is no hail in the clouds. I do hope you get a bit of rain. Perhaps you'll be able to slow down.
    Don't overdo or you'll sleep through the cruise. 😀

  3. You surely don't want to over do, and get yourself down. The would be very counter intuitive to your wonderful upcoming trip. You can only do what you can do - other stuff may have to wait. It isn't like you will be gone forever. Slow and steady!!!!

  4. You are one busy bee Jackie, but I completely understand wanting to get everything done before your holiday. Hope your day goes smoothly and that you'll feel better.

  5. Don't push yourself too much or you will be worn out when it's time to depart.

  6. I see everyone else is giving you the same advice - slow down and don't try to do too much. For instance, decluttering the sewing room can wait until you get back. Take care of you!!!!
