Thursday, August 3, 2023

Thrifty Thursday


Days are rolling into each other, and it is getting hard for this olden mind to remember anything thrifty I have done over the past week. 

Most of my thrifty moves are also frugal moves, so I think I might change the title of my Thursday posts. Any ideas?? All are greatly appreciated. 

With that in mind this will be more of a "what I accomplished today" post. At least until I figure out what I will blog about.

Once again it is really warm out, but I managed to get out and harvest more lavender, and some pole beans. 

I pinned together the strips for the denim fire pit blanket and hope to get the sets of two at least sewn tonight, and the sets of two pinned together into sets of four to be sewn tomorrow morning. 

Cherries are once again on sale at our Co-op and I am thinking of purchasing enough to make some cherry liqueur for Christmas. I am also thinking of trying my hand at making Irish Cream.... We shall see if that comes to pass. 

My knitting is coming along, I should be able to at least finish this second blanket this month and start a third. That will take care of the girls of Kurt's friends.

I have a couple of other blankets that are a bit more involved and I will actually need to purchase yarn for at least one of these. One of Kurt's friends is Jewish (well actually two are) and I thought I would knit a Jewish prayer shawl for him, and he has another friend that is Muslim and he thought it would be a great idea if I could incorporate something from her faith in the blanket he would like to give her..... Man, I may never get to knitting for myself for awhile. 

Still knitting and sewing for others makes me happy, and being able to give something to those that helped Kurt through difficult times is awesome. Using up some yarn in my stash is even better....

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Homemade liquors - very cool. I have made before and it always a fun gift.

  2. My husband has a tallit that is very special. His sisters made it from material from his grandmother and mother. As well as the tallit bag. That will be a special gift.

  3. I think it's probably so much a part of your everyday lie that you do super thrifty without even realising it or considering it.

    Fruit liqueurs are so lovely. The problem is not starting on them until Christmas. xx

  4. How neat on using the cherries in a liquor. The denim fire pit blanket sounds interesting too as do the blankets you are knitting for Kurt’s friends girls. Incorporating their faith is very thoughtful of you. 😊

  5. You're a very good mom! I'm sure Kurt's friends will appreciate the gifts greatly.
    I've been eating up the cherries, they are so good!

  6. It's great that you are so generous with your knitting. I'm sure your efforts are really appreciated.

  7. We tried making Irish Cream for Christmas last year but haven't heard any report on whether or not it went over well. We drank our sample and enjoyed it so hopefully they did too.
