Friday, August 25, 2023

Frugal Friday


What are my frugal five (or more) for this week? With costs rising at what seems to be an alarming rate at times, we all need to learn again the frugal things our parents and grandparents did. Must pull out some books on the subject and see what I can add to my usual habits.

1.  Even though it was raining out on my usual wash day I hung clothing (4 loads) on my lines downstairs. 

2.  Watering my pots and such with rain water and getting exercise at the same time lugging the watering can around the yard.

3.  Cut up lots of scrap fabric into squares I can use for quilting (even though Harvey says we have enough quilts).

4.  Walking for free and easy exercise.

5.  Picking and processing the garden to have some delicious veggies this winter. Even though our beans did not really produce this year I do have a few bags in the chest freezer. 

6.  Even though I hadn't planned on making another visit to the grocery store I went when the new sale started to pick up some really great bargains. I even asked for a raincheck in case the mushrooms do not arrive before the end of the sale.

7.  Using up all leftovers in the fridge, either for supper again or lunches.

Not too bad at all, and what with leaving in a bit the more I can use, dehydrate or freeze is just wonderful. Getting as much done in the garden as is humanly possible.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless


  1. We started hanging our laundry to dry by installing an extra tension rod over our more paying nearly $4 per load in the communal dryers in our building. We also wash a lot of our laundry by hand which saves paying for a washer on top of paying for using a dryer. The investment in a bunch of plastic hangers and some good wooden clothes pegs has paid off many times over.

  2. Great list. Glad you have at least a few bags of homegrown green beans!

  3. I think many of us have memories of our parents being frugal with their money and have learned some valuable life lessons. My adult children, saw some of that, especially when they were young but not so much as they grew older. I do think it has gotten easier (and more necessary) since I retired to be more cost conscious.
    Those younger may/will have a harder time adapting to these periods of inflation and high prices.

  4. Sounds like another good week. Saving food for future use and using up what you have. And hanging your laundry to dry are all good things. :)

  5. We try not to waste. I use up everything I can in the fridge. and as for everything else, we just don't go out like we used to. Or if we do, we stay within our 23 EV miles our hybrid had. Fortunately we can. Just having that has saved us so much.

  6. You must have a lot of room in your basement to hang 4 loads of clothes! Nice!

  7. We've had so much rain here this month that the garden water barrel is always full and the garden has benefitted enormously from using rainwater instead of tap water. We've also saved on the water bill 👍
    Isn't it lovely to eat home grown produce too 😊

  8. A very frugal week Jackie. You are doing a great job.
