Thursday, August 24, 2023

Thrifty Thursday


Another thrifty and money saving week has passed by. We have been getting bits and sprinkles of rain so the rain barrel is once again full, which is a good thing.

This week saw me cutting squares for quilting sometime in the future. All scraps, except for teeny tiny bits have been used up. I may try and get Hubby to make me a 1 1/2" template from some plexi glass downstairs. A little project to keep him happy and occupied once we get back from our trip. That way I can use up even the smaller scraps of fabric.

Combined errands and bought lots on sale. I have started restocking the pantry for the winter. We are both a bit disappointed with the pole bean crop this year. Not many bags in the freezer, and it seems as if the beans have stopped producing.

Using up leftovers and making new meals and even stretching those new meals to another meal later on.

Looking into recipes that will use up more of the eggplant and can be frozen. 

Using items up from the garden.

Used some frozen pumpkin from last year to make a pie. Plan on bringing more out in order to make muffins and perhaps a loaf to be used for breakfasts or snacks. 

Saved the plastic veggie bags to be used for other purposes.

Mended a t-shirt for Harvey. 

Downloaded some free books onto my ereader and bought 1 using the remainder of a gift card (I had to spend just a tiny bit more, but there was no way I was going to allow that money remaining on the gift card to go to waste).

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Sounds like you've had another wonderfully frugal week.

  2. I'm always impressed with how much you're able to do and find I've gotten better with leftovers, and think I'm cooking a bit we don't seem to have the waste we used to. I've continued to order my groceries on line which I started during Covid, that has really improved the meal planning and stops the knee jerk buying. Love to see a picture of the squares you've cut for a future quilt.

  3. I'm hoping to get some zucchinis to make some relish but it will have to wait until towards the end of September. I refuse to heat up our kitchen to that degree right now. Unfortunately I can't preserve too much because our apartment is simply too warm to allow anything to keep, but zuchinni relish is happening no matter what.
