As I moved the shuttle back and forth lifting or dropping the the reed as necessary, I realized how peaceful and meditative the process really is. My weaving isn't crooked, as in measuring, both sides are of equal length.
Thrifty and Frugal
It has actually been a lovely week here on the old homestead. That is if you don't count my stove going kaput, and Harvey's truck running into problems today. Both mean more money could be spent over the next while than was planned. If I quit baking I suppose I could go without an oven for a bit longer. I just can't see me baking one tray of 6 cookies at a time. That would not be good use of my time or very frugal.
So what frugal things have been happening this week on the old homestead.
1. I purchased on sale pork loins and a roast which I cut into cubes to be used in various recipes.
2. Used up all leftovers for our lunches over the week.
3. Cut out the coat using fabric from my stash. Still have the lining to cut out, but that is in my stash as well.
4. Using some of the reclaimed cotton yarn to weave the dish towels with.
5. Bought mostly on sale items this week when grocery shopping and saved $40.18 total. Still the bills were pretty high due to rising prices.
6. Cut scraps of fabric into squares to be used for quilts later on.
7. Walked a couple of times to pick up the mail. Good exercise and a savings on gas.
8. Shoveled off the front deck and steps. More free exercise.
9. Saved small plastic bags to use when Kris brings Eiko to visit for kitty litter scrapings.
Not really that bad a week all told for being frugal and thrifty. I have also been using my appliances to cook with as well. It will be interesting to see if there is a big savings come the bill next month.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
I can not believe it is the middle of the week, little lone the middle of the first month of 2025. Where is time going, I want it to slow down!!!!
This week I am trying to get as many of my little projects done as possible so I can spend more time on those longer projects. Problem is, I keep adding projects to the list.
Most are smaller (well smallish) and I am managing to pull them off along with working on a few of the bigger projects. Still, they do take up time that could be used to get further along on the bigger projects or making sure that nothing foodwise is wasted (that did not go well today as I had to toss a large hunk of cheddar as it was pretty much covered in mold). Fell down on the frugal there. Picking myself up, dusting off and starting over.
I was asked what I meant by "reeds". These are part of my loom and are used to separate the yarn and by moving them up and down on the heddle change the positions so a person can weave. The reed is also used to beat the yarn into position.
I will post a picture of the reeds on Saturday, as well as how far my weaving has progressed.
Off to visit some of you and then get supper on the table.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
My goodness another week of menus coming up.
Spaghetti and meat sauce (I added in some broccoli to the sauce to use it up and give us some more veggies).
Soup and Sandwiches. I took some mushroom soup out of the freezer, and will probably make grilled cheese sandwiches.
Baked Spaghetti, and a salad.
Leftovers from Wednesday.
Fish and chips along with coleslaw.
Corned Beef Hash along with the remains of the coleslaw.
Roast pork, roasted potatoes and carrots.
Lunches will be sandwiches or leftovers.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
I have been asked a few questions over the last few posts so I think I will answer them first.
Yes, my yogurt maker is a new appliance in my arsenal of trying to make as much as possible here at home.
Now as far as the whey is concerned, I plan on using it in replacement for liquids in baking. It is said you can even use it in your sour dough starter, something I am going to do a bit more research on. Some online sources say you can even drink it as it has lots of vitamins in it as well as other goodies. I can't see that happening. Right now it is sitting in containers in my fridge freezer until I decide to try using it.
None of my bigger projects are even close to being completed this week. It has been cloudy and snowy the last couple of days, which means the light has not been the best for embroidery. Knitting is happening in the evenings, but even that seems to be moving very slowly this time around.
So the past little bit I have been trying to get a few smaller projects completed, and since it isn't supposed to be sunny tomorrow I will try and get a few more of the smaller projects completed.
Got the dough going in the bread machine for two more loaves of bread. I did get an unpleasant surprise though as my oven cut out citing a fault was found. So I had to pull out this...
I did manage to get both loaves in it to bake, but man there really isn't much space at the top when baking two loaves. They got a bit well done on the tops as you can see in this next photo.
It could have been much worse.
Project wise I managed to cut these 4" squares from scraps I had saved. The smaller scraps have been put aside and I hope to cut some 2" squares in the next little while. I still have a few more fabric scraps to cut.
I really need to do a deep dive in my fabric stash to make sure I have all the scraps I saved for this purpose. Pretty sure there are more yet.
I noticed the circles of felt/flannelette that I use between my pots were getting pretty dirty and so made some new ones.
The cloudy days did enable me to copy the recipes from the old cookbooks I wanted to keep, and now they reside in the donation bags.
So this is where I stand on projects finished for the month.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
I mentioned on a forum I belong to that I was preparing for the worst and hoping for the best, this coming year.
Our property taxes are going up again this year. Last year they went up 2% and this year will be the same. I had figured in a 5% increase last year, so I am leaving that budget line as is. We will still be under with a bit of leeway if it actually goes up a bit more.
Grocery prices are rising every week, so shopping sales will be very important as well as stretching whatever we can purchase. I am hopeful of growing more fruit and veg this year as well. I will be dehydrating more of what I purchase before it goes bad, and making lots of my own spice combinations (taco seasoning, sloppy joe seasoning).
Working towards a simpler life as well, even though right now that means decluttering what we don't need or haven't used in awhile.
More cooking from scratch, though I really already do a great deal of that. Must learn how to make pie crust and rough puff. Need to work on hotdog buns as well, my hamburger buns are just fine. Bagels are on the list to learn how to make as well.
I have gotten two batches of yogurt made, and I think I like it better with real fruit in it instead of jam. I will make granola one day soon and try it with that.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.