Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Election Finally Over
Friday, March 27, 2009
Busy Finishing Projects
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I Just Don't Understand

This is me tearing my hair out. I spent a week getting names of people willing to stand for various positions. People who have never been asked to do anything in the church before (trying to get more involvement of the younger folk) and I had people saying, "Well I thought P____ would be the next Vice Chair!" Now what don't these people including P_____ think "let their name stand for nomination" means? Here I am trying to get more people involved and all they want to do is recycle the same old group. Oh well it seems that I can not win for trying.
Right now I think I have half the parish council mad at me, but in my heart I know that I am doing the right thing. It is time for a massive change of the old guard (not that I am one, I am known to be a rebel) and I am really going to try and see that it happens (if God wills it).
Well off to visit you all now. Have a wonderful evening. God bless.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Another Week Gone By

I think from this you can see why our license plates say "In the Land of the Living Skies". It is also the reason I picked the name of my blog.
Today I attended a meeting for our Church Deanry area. Looking at all the people around the table I suddenly realised that the Church as I know it is changing. We are all aging and so far none of the younger people are stepping forward to take up leadership positions. I shudder to think what will become of us a few years down the road. I already juggle too many hats in my church community and was hoping to hand off a few in the next year or so.
We are doing some stewardship things in our parish to try and get some fresh faces involved, but so far nothing has been achieved. Today I suddenly realised that if I want new and exciting ideas, it may just be that I have to go out and beat the bushes, talk to the youngsters and get their input. I have a Parish Council meeting this week and plan on bringing up my idea. I know our priest will jump on board, it is the others that I am a bit concerned about!
Well off to visit all of you now. Everybody have a wonderful evening. God bless.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
A Drawing
Kelli, you are the winner of the pink pillow. If you could please email me at jackielou01@hotmail.com with your address I will get this in the mail to you. Don't use the link as it doesn't work...guess Windows no longer supports hotmail. You will have to cut and paste it into whichever mail you use.
I would like to thank everyone for entering my give away. This was lots of fun, and I hope to do another one in the near future.
Off to visit everyone and let the winners know about their prizes. Everybody have a great evening. God bless.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
My Pillows Are Finished
I would like to offer one of them as a give away. Anyone that posts a comment on this post will have their name entered into a draw for the pillow of their choice.
Well off to visit you all. Everybody have a wonderful evening. God bless.