Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday Ramblings


The past month has been a whirlwind of trying to get things caught up. 

After our get away (pictures to come in another post or two), I was busy getting the garden harvested and the produce processed. I did manage to finish freezing the beans and some of the ripe tomatoes. I also managed to make my lavender salve and start the mint infused oil. Of course there was the usual unpacking and laundry to do. I did manage all that and even got more mitts knitted.

Then the cell phone beeped with a text from my sister. She said that she could get away to visit the aunts in two days....and asked if that was okay with me. We would go up on Monday and visit with one aunt and family and then go back to Yorkton, stay the night and visit with the other and our brothers the next day. This text came on a Friday and of course I said yes, even though it meant working all out to get even more produce either frozen or dehydrated as well as some household tasks done. 

I worked full out those days, not getting to knit until late in the evening (this has put me behind on the number of mitts I wanted made) and leaving a few things to be completed when we got back. Pictures of this trip will be following in a post or two later on. 

Got home late on Tuesday and crawled into bed. 

I worked like a mad woman on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Things kind of slowed down on Saturday, but not by much and the same can be said for today. There was bread to be baked, desserts/muffins to be made, rooms to clean and even more laundry to do (where does that all come from). I had rooms to tidy, and dusting, as well as vacuuming, sweeping the floors and watering the very thirsty flowers. I did not have to do dishes though as Harvey did manage those as well as using up all the leftovers in the fridge. 

I now feel as if I am almost caught up and can take a deep breath, relax and visit with all of you. 

Tasks left to do today are finishing watering the plants in the front, make pumpkin muffins, and of course knit those mitts. I can then work non stop on the quilt, and finish all the dehydrating that needs to be done (mostly herbs and peppers). 

The veggie garden thanks to Harvey is almost cleaned up, and I can work on getting the flowers cleared out and one replanted throughout the coming weeks. 

Life should slow down some now, which I am really looking forward to. It seems the older I get, the longer things take to accomplish.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

I am happy to say that 

1 comment:

  1. Whew I am tired now! LOL - just reading all that. Get some rest and slow down a bit. It can all wait a minute.
