We are heading into some bitterly cold nights. In fact tonight it might actually reach -50C, I am not too sure if we have ever gotten that cold. Here is hoping our power plant can handle this. Perhaps we won't be able to send any power to North Dakota.... We might actually need it all for ourselves.We did not go to in person Mass today. Instead watched online from the Cathedral. Really just too cold to even attempt.
Not much has been happening since it is so cold. We haven't been out much and I don't plan on pulling out the recycling tonight or the garbage tomorrow for pick up. Things can wait a week or two, as there are only Hubby and I here there really isn't much garbage or recycling to be had in a week. Unlike my friend who always seems to have overloaded bins.
Tomorrow is a holiday here called Family Day so everyone gets to stay home. I am glad I won't have to worry about Kris going to work and since he works at home on Tuesdays I am hopeful that he will miss the really cold mornings. Heck, he could even work from home on Wednesday if he chooses as they are allowed 2 days a week to do so. Thursday it will be warming up and then if things hold true we should be into some nicer temperatures for awhile.
Kurt is in Alberta and they seem to be missing this nasty weather right now. Keeping my fingers crossed that holds true while he is undergoing Faith Days and Teacher's Convention this coming week.
I did some straightening of my pantry in the kitchen. Lots of part cans of non-stick spray. I have put them in some order to be able to use them up. No idea how that happened at all.
Pulled up the main courses for the week and if we do go to Kris's place on the weekend I will be taking a couple of meals with me. Well at least one meal and perhaps we can stop and pick up some chicken for the other meal. Trying to help him out as much as possible. Pretty sure things could get tight for him, at least he has seniority with the city and his job.
As far as my projects, things are moving along slowly but surely. I might actually manage to get another placemat. It will be nip and tuck though. Perhaps I will be hemming them by the beginning of next week.
Frugal and thrifty things are happening as usual and decluttering is moving along very slowly. As I said before, this could just be the year of using things up as a means of downsizing. The more I use the less there will be to need using.
Watching all of the YouTube video's of people doing pantry challenges and seeing all that I have in mine, I am tempted to try a couple of weeks worth of meals just from what I have.
I am getting much better at making my yogurt. It gets thicker every time and I am beginning to enjoy adding frozen fruit, granola and honey to each morning serving. Much less expensive than purchasing it really and I know what is in it. I need to get some started tonight.
Off to visit with you all, before starting to get the potatoes into the roaster.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.