Monday, May 8, 2023

Menu Monday


We are home from our short visit with Kris, and before I post my menus I want to share a picture of how his hydroponic growing is going along. 

These peppers are from one of his plants (which by the way is huge).

These are Hot Portugal peppers, he does have some regular bell peppers growing as well as a very small watermelon started. Kris got his green thumb for veggies from his Dad.

Now on to the menu's for this week.


Spaghetti and meat sauce with raw veggies and dip.


Soup and sandwiches. I will pull out one of the cans of vegetable soup that needs using and make grilled cheese or tuna melts to go along with it. I am leaning towards tuna melts.


Baked spaghetti and salad. Perhaps if I remember to pick up French bread I will use half to make garlic bread.


The remains of the Baked spaghetti and salad.


A casserole that uses up a package of fake lobster or crab. Served with asparagus.


Leftovers from Friday.


Turkey Tetrazzini, and mixed veggies.

It is going to be chilly and rainy so hearty it goes once again.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. VERY impressive peppers and, as always, your menus look delicious. xx

  2. Wow, those are some good sized peppers! Will he also have a garden outdoors?
    Glad you had a good visit.

  3. What pretty peppers. Baked spaghetti sounds yummy! Too warm here to turn on the oven. Maybe a cooler day next week. Your meals sound good.
