Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Midweek Once Again

 Oh my, we are half way through the first week of the month. Time is whizzing right by and we still haven't set up our cruise as of yet. 

This also makes it only May and June before our vehicle is paid off at 0% financing. This means more cash in hand and considering my dental costs this year (don't ask, things are getting very expensive what with a crown replacement, and a visit to and Endodontist to clean up an infection around a root). It is a good thing that what isn't covered can be claimed on the good old tax return for this year. 

Really not too much happening around here. Still doing a declutter, moving my spring/summer wardrobe into the drawers and closet. Do I need more clothing...probably nothing other than the shorts, tops and one sundress I have cut out to sew. 

Still working on clearing items out of my various stashes of fabric, and yarn. Things are actually getting used up and removed or donated to others that probably need them more than I do. 

Still there is lots to clear out and use up. More, actually than I ever dreamed possible. While I never really hoarded things like one sees on those old Hoarder shows, I did and do hoard things like leftover fabric, plastic containers, yarn, and in a big way clothing.... Must learn if things don't fit right or are too big, or too small get rid of them. 

Off to use up the last of the Turkey Shepherds Pie for supper tonight. Dessert is some pudding and Cool Whip I bought on sale.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. I will be visiting you all very soon.

God bless.


  1. Chocolate pudding sounds real good to me about now.

  2. It's always the stuff hidden in the closets that seem to accumulate the most. Good luck with the declutter.

  3. After doing the seasonal clothes swap a couple of weeks ago, I had to retrieve most items when the weather changed once again. Still wearing winter coats and gloves but have avoided getting the boots out!

  4. I tended to hoard fabric too as it’s so easy to do, but I decluttered that area last year too. It’s so much better too.

  5. I know how it feels to have expensive dental treatment. I spent £800 and then got the worst toothache I've ever had a few months later. I'm sure it was related to the work that was done.

  6. It sure sounds like you have been busy. That is fantastic.
    This is a lovely blog - I can't believe it took me so long to figure out you had one! have a great evening

  7. My downfall is clothes. Them being too big or too small is never the problem. I just like them all too much!
