Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Tuesday Tidbits


Or should I say "The Great Mitten Knitting Caper".

It took me most of the month to get these mittens done and I would like to get another 25 done, but I am waiting a month to start. Too many other projects waiting, plus getting the things done outside that need to be done so we can enjoy our time outside. 

I promised you all a picture so here they all are in their knitted glory. 

Today I packaged them up in bags according to size, and yesterday I started a blanket for another of Kurt's friends. Continued knitting that today rather than start sewing. Mainly because I had to take our vehicle in for a service, changing over from the winter tires, and had no idea how long that would take. Boy has that gotten expensive. I think that next time the wipers need replacing we should do it ourselves. We could probably save over $50.00 that way. 

I have used quite a few partial and orphan skeins/balls of yarn and will hopefully use up more come the next 25 pairs of mittens. I really love that the teachers at Kurt's school feel comfortable to ask him if I would be willing to do this for them. Yes, I knit prayer shawls (the church has enough to last for quite awhile now) and knit for other members of the family, but this asking somehow warms my heart.  

Tomorrow I start sewing as well as washing out plant pots and maybe moving my clothing around (though I could conceivably start that tonight). Temperatures are staying well above freezing and I now feel comfortable getting those summer clothes out. 

Harvey rototilled part of the garden and plans on planting the potatoes tomorrow. He has already planted radish as they seem to grow better in cooler weather.

I downloaded some free books onto my Kobo ereader, and I think I may download a couple more today. 

Life is pretty good right now, Kurt's stalker/doxxer is in jail and still has to face a few more criminal charges in Ontario, so other than various Neo-Nazi's taking exception to what he blogs or tweets about, his life is pretty steady as well. Mind you the lies they like to spread get kind of on my nerves at times and I want to go all Mama Bear on them, but know that would just make matters very much worse. 

Off to get the table set and supper (that leftover kind of Tex Mex meal warmed up) started. Will be starting to visit you all after that until supper is ready.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. The mittens are beautiful! So much work involved there. Kudos to you! I’m with you on the cost of tires! I had two replaced in January and am going to do the other two this week. The price is unreal!

  2. That is an amazing feat. I know how much work goes into mitten making. My hands cramp at the thought. So very nice of you. And I can understand how doing so would be heart warming.
    I have read that radish, lettuce, and onions like cool weather planting. Since I plant in containers I'll wait another week or so. Doesn't the idea of playing in the dirt sound wonder? This was such a long winter.
    Glad Kurt's life has gotten easier. It seems many of the convoy and anti vax people are facing justice in the courts.

  3. Those mittens will be much appreciated I'm sure.

  4. Thanks for the visit Jackie, much appreciated. What a nice pile of mittens. Is your son's school in a need based area? It's great that you've made so many and will continue to do so. Helping others is a good feeling isn't it! Glad to hear those thugs are behind bars, and hope things stay calm for your hubby. Our yard is a mess and for the first time ever, I'm not going to do the work. We hired someone...am so looking forward to seeing it after the spring clean up. It just really has gotten harder with each additional year. Are the blankets for the kids as well?

  5. How wonderful to have all those lovely warm mittens to show for your time and efforts. They will be so appreciated. My daffodils have opened only to be swamped by the days and days of rain we are having. It has not encouraged me to get seed planting just yet. The internet is such a minefield these days...we all have to be careful.

  6. That's a wonderful assortment of mittens you have made for the school, they will be much appreciated, I'm sure. It's so kind of you to do this for the school kids.

  7. Glad to hear that things have settled down for Kurt. It must have been a bit of a scary time for you all. Those mittens are so cute. It's a great way of using up leftover yarn for a good cause.

  8. Bless you for making those mitts for the kiddos!
