Thursday, May 18, 2023

Thrifty Thursday


It has been a regular week here. Most thrifty practices are the same week after week. This week though I just may have a couple of new things to share.

I have an old blanket that was starting to lose the satin edges, so I thought I would sew them back on. As I put it in the sewing room I thought to myself how it would make a lovely batting for a quilt or perhaps two. So that is what it will be used for. The blanket was getting a bit threadbare as well, and I had another blanket available to be used instead. 

I filled up various bottles of cleaners and dish soap from the larger bottles. Slowly those are getting used up and I will be trying to make my own cleaners. 

Baked bread twice this week. It costs less than half to make my own.

I did make an error in the Red Lentil Curry recipe. I think I forgot to say drain the lentils after they have cooked and before adding the rest of the ingredients. So sorry.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Good tips re: the cleaning supplies. I always buy the big bottles and decant them into smaller pump bottles.

  2. Using the older blanket for batting is a great idea. I'm imagining how warm the quilt would be.

  3. I also pour liquid soaps together and I always rinse laundry detergent containers with water and use too. I think of you now when I do these little things. I check at the thrift store for certain kind of thin wool blankets as you are right, they make the best batting. It's what was used for generations. Have a great weekend!

  4. Using the blanket as batting is something my grandmothers often did. Unfortunately it would be way too warm for us now in the apartment.
