Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Midweek Once Again


I spent a bit of time this morning at the dentist and then, because my mouth was frozen decided to stick close to home and get a few things done. 

I washed all the outside doors and cleaned the windows in them as well. That was my extra cleaning chore for today. 

I walked around the backyard/garden and saw something absolutely wonderful. After 9 years (could actually be 10) our pear tree is finally getting blossoms. I am so very excited!!! Hence the picture to start this post. 

I then came in and started sewing. I got one pair of shorts finished and started the second pair. I may even get those done tonight... Just depends on how I am feeling.

I have two cherry turnover type things in the oven (promise to take a photo when they are done and post tomorrow). Hopefully we like them as much as the apple ones I make. 

Tomorrow is kind of planned out as far as baking and project work. I hope to either finish the shorts and start the sundress, or if I finish the shorts tonight I will sew the sundress and start a sleeveless tunic top. Slowly but surely getting those sewing projects completed. I would like them all done by next week, but that could be wishful thinking on my part. Once all are done I will post pictures.

Baking wise will be a loaf of bread, some pumpkin muffins and perhaps some zucchini muffins. Really trying to get everything used up that I can before the next harvest. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


I was asked why I couldn't use my computerized machine while we had the storm happening yesterday.... It was more the lightening we were getting that made me leery of using the machine in case of a power surge. We get lots of those during electrical storms.


  1. The cherry turnovers sound good.

  2. Urgh - dentist. Hoping your mouth is much better now. xx

  3. Nice! I hope the pear tree bears fruit for you. It sure is nice to see things greening up.

  4. Well done for starting on all your sewing projects. I hope you do a post about them when you've finished. I love to see what you make.

  5. Lovely pear blossom. My pear tree had all over flowers this year, maybe because I pruned it last year. Hoping for pears later!

  6. Wow you go girl and can I hire you?

  7. I think if I had been to the dentist and come home with a frozen mouth, I'd just sit and relax for the rest of the day! Good luck with your clothes sewing, that seems to be coming along well.

  8. Caught up on your posts and made a note to self to make tuna melts soon. You are doing well with the sewing. I still have some outside windows to clean and I have not cleared the garden plots because we had hard rain for days and days. Hopefully next week. Wow, to having the Pear tree blossom. That is very special; I know fruit trees are notoriously hard to grow to bear fruit.

  9. Thank you for the explanation re not using your computerized machine during a storm - should have thought of that one myself!! All of our important appliances are plugged into surge protectors so I rarely have to think about it.
