Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Tuesday Tidbits


Hot and dry once again today. We started our air conditioner up this afternoon as the house was getting really warm. It is also fairly smoke filled, I don't know if it is from the Alberta fires or the fires in the northern part of our province. Sure hope it clears soon. 

At least with this kind of weather Harvey can BBQ and the house will stay cool. 

I have pretty much finished planting which is a good thing. I still have those pesky flowers to add to the perennial bed, but need to get it weeded first.

Finished sewing one more top today and have the machine set up for the next. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can finish my sewing and be able to at least start on Harvey's robe. Pictures coming next week I hope of all my creations, including my planting. 

Off to set the table and hopefully supper will be ready soon and that I actually have an appetite.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Sorry you are having fires and the resulting smoke. As Californians we are all too familiar with that.

  2. Those fires must be very worrying. Do they start every year or is this a one off (hopefully)? xx

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing what you've made. I really should get back into making clothes.

  4. Praying you all stay safe from the fires and smoke. Will enjoy seeing your photos when you get the chance to post them. 😊

  5. I uncovered the a/c yesterday but haven't turned it on yet. The house has cooled off enough over night that I haven't needed it. The smoke is definitely annoying. We're expecting thunderstorms today, with rain, so I'm hoping that will clear some of it out.
    Looking forward to seeing your photos!

  6. Really hope the called-for rain comes and does some good to help the fire fighters. Staying indoors and sewing sounds like a good plan.
