Monday, April 27, 2009
Sad News

Saturday, April 25, 2009
What's On My Needles
The strange thing is I have learned that 3 other nieces or nephews are expecting new additions to their families in the next 5 months. I think I am going to have a busy summer knitting, seems like I can never keep up with afghans lately for all the babies being born. I may have to find an easier and faster pattern to follow.
Off to visit with everyone. Hope you all have a wonderful evening. God bless.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Locked Myself In My Sewing Room
I think they turned out very well and were so easy to make. Other than the hems the whole sewing spree lasted about 4 hours off and on throughout the weekend. These used up some fabric remnants that I have had for a few years. I am now planning to make a few more and use up those pieces of fabric that I picked up at rummage and garage sales. In fact I have one cut out and ready to start this Friday after work. Who knows I may even get another one ready to go! I had forgotten how much fun it is just to sew for me!
Off to visit you all now. Everybody have a wonderful evening. God bless.
Monday, April 20, 2009
My Sweetie
Thursday, April 16, 2009
What To Do On A Rainy Day
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
All Is Quiet Once Again
This is the beginning of my project. Harvey was certainly surprised when he came up from working on our income tax about a half an hour after I started to see this.
Then of course the week before Easter saw me also getting some treats ready for the students in the class. First it was melt the chocolate.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter

On Friday at 3 pm around the world Catholics gather to celebrate Good Friday. Here we venerate the Cross. While to non Christians around the world the cross is just a piece of wood to millions of Christians of all faiths it is a symbol of the agony that Christ underwent in order to fulfull God's plan.
Saturday night the church is dark, but magically comes alive with the light of hundreds of small flickering candles. On this Easter Vigil night, the priest blesses the fire we use to light the alter candles, lecturn candles, and of course the Easter Candle. He also blesses the water used for baptism that night (last night we had two adult baptisms, and confirmations as well). Finally after 40 days of Lent, we can once again sing Alleluia and the church rang with bells to celebrate that fact.
So between getting ready for all the services at church, the rush to get the children at school finished most of their work, and my busyness around the house I haven't made a post or visited anyone in awhile.
Both our boys are home, there was a bit of a scare that one of them would not be able to come and I will fill you all in on that in my next post (if I get up early enough I manage to get on the computer for a little while at least). I also hope to fill everyone in on other happenings around our little nest.
I will finish this off by wishing each and everyone of you a Joyous and Blessed Easter. Hope you all enjoy time with your families, and friends.
God bless.