Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Fence Building

This past weekend Harvey, Kurt and Kris spent some time building us a new fence.

Thought I would share with you the growth of a fence.

Post holes were dug first. Look at the size of that rock we had to dig out!!

Kris busy digging out one of the post holes by hand. We couldn't get the auger between the shed and the garage next door.

These posts were braced up and then cement poured in the holes. I didn't get a picture of this as the men just worked too quickly.

The next day the cross pieces were put on and the metal applied.

Here is my finished fence....without the gate. That is something Harvey will work on when we get back from our holiday in Banff.
The yard was cleaned up and today Harvey took the old wood and all the small pieces of metal to the dump. He also took my old clothesline poles as well.

After the construction of the gate....yard work will be done for the year. I am just so glad that Harvey, Kurt and Kris can do jobs like this, sure saves us cash.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! You guys did an amazing job on that fence, Jackie! It gave your house a lot more privacy and charm. Plus, seeing how polished and professionally-made it was, I can tell everyone put a lot of effort into building that. I'd love to see it closer, though. Thanks for sharing that! Kudos and all the best!

    Courtney Lynch @ Anthony Fieldhouse & Co
