Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Ramblings

Today, the homily at Mass, was a video put out by the Archdiocese. This has been done every year since the implementation of the Archdiocesan Appeal, which started around 10 years ago. Yet for some reason this one touched a chord within me, especially since it fit in so well with the readings.....

Stewardship, how we do it, why we do it, and are we doing what God intends us to do. The video started with the words "Be not afraid." I have often pondered those words, usually in connection with the hymn we regularly sing, or at funerals. Now I will have to look at them in a different light as the video went on to say "Go and serve the Lord."

When Christ returns, will we (meaning me) be found working diligently in the Lord's vineyard and calling others to join me in the joy of the Lord. Or will I be found just taking advantage of what the Lord has given me, taking, rather than giving back? Questions I need to ponder answers to.

Supper tonight saw me moving away from the weekly menu I posted. I did not make the ham, due to the amount of leftovers I want to clear out (lots still to go so there will be a makeover of next weeks menus as well).

I had some leftover corn, and some leftover steelhead trout. I wanted them gone, or at least made into something delicious to use them.

I found this recipe for Corn and Fish Pie. Much like a quiche but no crust.

After baking this is what it looked like.

 Actually, it was quite tasty, but I think it needs a few tweeks. I would make and serve this again as Harvey seemed to really enjoy it. I will post the recipe (with some tweeks) later on.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

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