Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday Tid Bits

Both of us here on the old homestead are working hard to get everything done that needs to be done before winter hits us.

Tomorrow Harvey is taking his truck in to get a new unexpected but very necessary expense. Then he has his doctor's appointment on Monday of next week. Should enable him to make the winter without needing to renew his perscription.

I on the other hand have been enjoying a string of no spend days. That will end tomorrow when I buy gas for my vehicle. I was hoping to go another day, but I think my luck may run out as it is supposed to be very cold, which will necessitate a warming of the car.

I have also put up another 4 bags of tomatoes for the freezer bringing the total number of bags to 19. Getting very close to the number I want for the freezer to see us through most of the winter.

I am even almost done stocking up on cleaning items to last us hopefully a year. I still have to get paper towels and kleenix, but haven't hit a good sale as of yet.

My week of work is drawing to a close. I have really enjoyed it, but will be glad as I am getting tired out. Here is hoping they hire someone very soon for the position. I have a feeling I will be working a few days next week.... Money coming in is a good thing.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

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