Wednesday, November 20, 2024


 Today was a baking day, or rather a stay in and get some baking and some stovetop Christmas things completed. Bread was baked, some marshmallow squares made and I am still waiting for the pumpkin puree to thaw so I can make two pies for our Christmas meals. 

Since tomorrow is supposed to be very cold, staying home and getting more baking prepared for Christmas. Hopefully I remember to take pictures. There are not a great many eggs in the house so tomorrow will be a no using eggs baking day. Whipped shortbread cookies, a recipe of what is called English Shortbread, and some Chocolate Drops. Must remember to get the butter out to soften overnight.

Knitting will continue and I am very hopeful that this blanket will be finished before the end of the month. Then I will start another as well as toques and mittens for Kurt and Kris. I think I will start the ornaments for the family that will be visiting at Christmas as well. I should be able to get the first step done easily tomorrow between baking/cooking sprees. It really is getting down to the knitty gritty, must be prepared for Christmas. Right now I feel very unprepared. 

Using another batch cooked item tonight. I am making spaghetti and meat sauce. Warming up the spaghetti sauce, getting the water to the point where I can add the pasta, and the salad is made and in the fridge. A very easy meal. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Resident Chef has made 3 different versions of nuts and bolts (called Kibbles & Bits in our house) and has lemon cookies and some biscotti in his sights. Then it's on to butter tarts. I'm busy making the 'Grandma-Jammies'...two pairs to go and then it's on to making pillowcases to go with them.

  2. You are ahead of me! I think you have accomplished a lot. Stay warm.

  3. Sorry, I chuckle at your feeling behind. You always get things done and more than many could manage.
    We have decided we'll start Christmas baking tomorrow. I'm hoping I can convince my daughter to be organized about it as there will be two of us in the kitchen. :)

  4. You sound like you are making good progress Jackie. The other day was dark & rainy here so I had a baking day too - I always feel like this on dark dreary days - it seems to cheer things up a bit. xx

  5. This is such a lovely post. Thanks for the encouragement. Life's been a bit bumpy recently but I've had a better week this week. We just got a cabinet refacing in our kitchen and it's lifted my spirits. This blog does as well. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Oh, Jackie! You have my mouth watering reading about all your baked goods. You sound like you have a great start on the Christmas holiday.
