Friday, February 28, 2025

No Spend Days


Every month since I can remember I try and have as many no spend days as possible. I will never consider what I do to be a no spend month even though my spending is usually limited to bill paying, groceries, repairs, appointments, and fuel for the vehicle. I still consider any money, even for those items, that come out of our account as spending. 

Our allowances are usually used to purchase clothing, or saved to get a bigger item (my loom for one). Everything is budgeted for and receipts are kept so I can input all in the spreadsheet for each month.

This month, I really hoped to have 20 or more no spend days. It did not work out that way since Harvey and I both had dental appointments, and the car needed a new battery. I did end up having 19 no spend days though and that is good enough, not the best I have ever done, but good enough. 

Next month will be a challenge as well. Harvey decided to get the work done that is necessary for his second partial plate. Meaning there will be and extra spend day or two. We also want to go and visit Kris so there will be an extra fuel fill up day and perhaps the purchase of some new chairs for the dining room set (we have saved for that). 

We shall see how well I do.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 
God bless.

1 comment:

  1. We try really hard to have as many no spend days as we can but sometimes it's a challenge. My goal (which has been the same for as long as I remember) is to only do errands one day a week (or even less). Sadly it never seems to work that way despite my best efforts.
