Monday, August 20, 2012

Apple Pie Filling

Yesterday I talked a little about making apple pie filling and trying to can it for the first time. This is the first bag of apples I got from my neighbour. I got two of these and being the frugal person that I am there was no way I was going to waste them.

I tried to can the finished product, but even after going through the hot water bath in my canner, only three of the 6 quarts sealed. And I don't really trust the seal.

The second bag I prepared I put into freezer containers. I feel so much better about it. I think I am going to stick with freezing from now on.

We have a great many ripe tomatoes on our plants and on the window sill in the dining room, I think that tomorrow will be Salsa day!

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

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