It is the end of another month and time to update everyone on my goals...... How did I do? Well here goes.
1. Sew the top I have cut out...... This has been on my list for the last couple of months. Done, barely, but still done. I finished it yesterday.
2. Cut out a coat and start sewing it. The pattern is cut out of the main fabric, I have been procrastinating cutting the interfacing and transferring the markings.... I was going to start sewing it today, but I read, threaded my machine, had a cup of hot chocolate, got the interfacing out, read for a bit, worked on my cross stitch, and had a nap. Does anyone see a pattern here?
3. Continue with the rug project. This is slowly but surely growing and will be ready for Kris for Christmas. Managing to keep up with this every night. Two nights making cord and then the next night sewing the cord on. Still keeping up with it.
4. Continue with the cross stitch project and when (if I manage to get
it done before the end of the month) done start on the second unfinished
cross stitch project. This is being worked on when the weather allows. Lighting is not great on those dark and dreary rain days. We have had many of them this past week, including today.
5. Plan out the quilt for our bedroom. Did this, I planned out the individual blocks just need to figure out the colours for the borders and the colours around the blocks.
6. Freeze at least 24 bags of tomatoes for use this winter. Done, might make a few more as I still have ripening tomatoes.
7. Make and freeze cabbage rolls. Project done. I may make some Lazy Cabbage Rolls a bit later.
8 Make and freeze cabbage bread. Done, not as many as usual due to some strange circumstances so when these run out I will be making some more (at least another 4 or 5 dozen).
This is what today has been like.
Rain and more rain, at sometimes very heavy. Not really conducive to making me want to work. I just wanted to curl up with a book, a mug of hot chocolate and spend part of the afternoon doing absolutely nothing.
Which I did for as long as possible.
I even made pie crust and two lovely quiche for supper.
One quiche.....
Two quiche (this one is going in the freezer).
As I said trying to waste time so I could not sew. I think I managed that quite well.
Now on to my Bloggy Give A Way.
Joyce please email me your address and the blue scarf will be winging its way to you. Mind you considering the length of time it takes to mail something from Canada anywhere it could take as long as a snail to reach you.
Shawn and Red Robin since you both like the green scarf I decided to have 3 scarves to give away. I had another ball of the green yarn and will have two of these to give away. Please email me your snail mail addresses, one scarf will be going out immediately, the other will follow in a few days.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
Menu Monday
Getting my menus posted between chores.
Leftover Pork Roast, I am not sure how this will be done up. Could be a casserole which would be lovely on this very cool fall day. Or I could use the slices and just warm them up serving another roast pork meal......
Leftover Ham. This will definitely be made into some kind of casserole.
Leftover Beef roast. I may just make this into a stew.
(Is anyone seeing a pattern here?)
Clean out the fridge smorg.
Baked Trout fillet.
Bison Sausage
Baked Ham
This week I did not put down any sides with my meals and that is because I plan on using things up and I am not too sure what will be served.
Everyone have a wonderful day.
God bless.
Tomorrow will be my draw so get your names in.....
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Sunday Ramblings
Today dawned cloudy and dark. Rain came during the early, early morning and continued off and on until the afternoon. Too dark and miserable to do any cross stitching, so I took myself off to the sewing room after Mass.
Yep, that is right I decided today would be a good day to get that top I had cut out sewn.... Perhaps knocking off another one of my goals for this month as well. I did not get it finished but I got a very good start on it. Another hour or two and the top will be finished.
I just need to put in the armhole facings and do a narrow hem.
Mass was exceptionally long today. Pope Francis has called a Synod of the Bishops together to discuss the effects of evangelism on the family, so we had prayers for it's success.
Father Brian used the reading on the parable of the two sons, one of whom said he would not go into the vineyard and later went, while the other refused to go at all. He asked each of us how many times we turned away from what God wanted us to do (he spoke about St. Augustine's life) and how many times we left the church after Mass and gossiped, or said someone did not deserve forgiveness. He spoke about how God loved us and wanted what was best for us and that the best for us was to listen.
I will be pondering this a great deal this week, as I know I quite often fall short.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Yep, that is right I decided today would be a good day to get that top I had cut out sewn.... Perhaps knocking off another one of my goals for this month as well. I did not get it finished but I got a very good start on it. Another hour or two and the top will be finished.
I just need to put in the armhole facings and do a narrow hem.
Mass was exceptionally long today. Pope Francis has called a Synod of the Bishops together to discuss the effects of evangelism on the family, so we had prayers for it's success.
Father Brian used the reading on the parable of the two sons, one of whom said he would not go into the vineyard and later went, while the other refused to go at all. He asked each of us how many times we turned away from what God wanted us to do (he spoke about St. Augustine's life) and how many times we left the church after Mass and gossiped, or said someone did not deserve forgiveness. He spoke about how God loved us and wanted what was best for us and that the best for us was to listen.
I will be pondering this a great deal this week, as I know I quite often fall short.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Another Goal
Today was spent making Cabbage Bread or Birokies as my family calls them. Things did not work out like I had planned due to Murphy's Law, but I did get 4 dozen of these beauties made.
To make a long story short, things did not go right at all. One part was due to my own forgetfulness or perhaps my forgetfulness and the other to perhaps old frozen bread dough. But at least I got half of what I usually make done and I can add the other half to my goals for next month.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
To make a long story short, things did not go right at all. One part was due to my own forgetfulness or perhaps my forgetfulness and the other to perhaps old frozen bread dough. But at least I got half of what I usually make done and I can add the other half to my goals for next month.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Getting Ready For Those Long Cold Nights
It is that time of year when Harvey and I start preparing for those long, cold, Saskatchewan winters.
Prepping has become so second nature to us now, that usually we don't even think of what we do. But I decided that perhaps it would be great if I shared with all of you.
First off we get the garden in and stored for the winter. Those veggies and meals of cabbage rolls and cabbage bread and all the pickles and relish will taste so good over the winter.
Then I empty my baskets and boxes of plants and herbs. I usually cut down all the perennials at this time. Harvey is occupied raking leaves and adding them to the garden. He then works them into the soil a little bit.
I wash and vacuum all the vents in the house and vacuum and wipe off the surfaces of the electric baseboard heaters. Then I wipe down the oil filled heaters that we are using in some of the rooms instead of the baseboard heating.
The outside rain barrel is emptied into the cherry trees and the cedars. We don't want to take the chance of it cracking from the cold. All water taps to the outside are turned off. We forgot to do this once and this is what happened.
Ever since we are doubly sure that those outside taps are turned off and the water to them is turned off inside.
Thanksgiving here in Canada, happens in October and that is when we remove the air conditioner in the dining room window and cover the one in the hall wall. Kurt and Kris are here to give a hand with this chore. They also climb up and check the eaves troughs and clean them out.
The screens are removed from the windows and placed in the basement. I don't know why Harvey decided this needs to be done but we do so every year.
The lawn mower, rototiller and other spring/summer/fall outside tools are cleaned up and put away. The outdoor furniture and cushions are stored either inside or beside the house. I think I will be moving my wicker rocker inside this first winter.
The snow blower and shovels are readied for their winter jobs.
Harvey gathers together plans for woodworking projects and decides if he needs any special supplies. He also gathers a couple of wine kits....must keep busy.
Coats, mitts, scarves, toques, and other winter wardrobe essentials are gathered, washed and checked to see if they need repairs. I also transfer my summer clothing out of our room and place my winter clothing in its stead.
I gather my reading material and projects together. Here is a start on the reading material.
These are the beginnings of my fiction collection. I am sure I will be downloading many more free books on my Kobo, but I do this when I start running low on reading material. Knowing me I will be checking out my favorite rummage sales and thrift shops for a few more.
I even managed to find some frugal living books at a garage sale and picked them up.
I have downloaded a few onto my Kobo as well, they of course were free.
I still have lots of yarn and fabric so my evenings will be me tucked up nice and warm in the house with a cup of tea or hot chocolate working on a project or with a book in my hands.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Prepping has become so second nature to us now, that usually we don't even think of what we do. But I decided that perhaps it would be great if I shared with all of you.
First off we get the garden in and stored for the winter. Those veggies and meals of cabbage rolls and cabbage bread and all the pickles and relish will taste so good over the winter.
Then I empty my baskets and boxes of plants and herbs. I usually cut down all the perennials at this time. Harvey is occupied raking leaves and adding them to the garden. He then works them into the soil a little bit.
I wash and vacuum all the vents in the house and vacuum and wipe off the surfaces of the electric baseboard heaters. Then I wipe down the oil filled heaters that we are using in some of the rooms instead of the baseboard heating.
The outside rain barrel is emptied into the cherry trees and the cedars. We don't want to take the chance of it cracking from the cold. All water taps to the outside are turned off. We forgot to do this once and this is what happened.
Ever since we are doubly sure that those outside taps are turned off and the water to them is turned off inside.
Thanksgiving here in Canada, happens in October and that is when we remove the air conditioner in the dining room window and cover the one in the hall wall. Kurt and Kris are here to give a hand with this chore. They also climb up and check the eaves troughs and clean them out.
The screens are removed from the windows and placed in the basement. I don't know why Harvey decided this needs to be done but we do so every year.
The lawn mower, rototiller and other spring/summer/fall outside tools are cleaned up and put away. The outdoor furniture and cushions are stored either inside or beside the house. I think I will be moving my wicker rocker inside this first winter.
The snow blower and shovels are readied for their winter jobs.
Harvey gathers together plans for woodworking projects and decides if he needs any special supplies. He also gathers a couple of wine kits....must keep busy.
Coats, mitts, scarves, toques, and other winter wardrobe essentials are gathered, washed and checked to see if they need repairs. I also transfer my summer clothing out of our room and place my winter clothing in its stead.
I gather my reading material and projects together. Here is a start on the reading material.
These are the beginnings of my fiction collection. I am sure I will be downloading many more free books on my Kobo, but I do this when I start running low on reading material. Knowing me I will be checking out my favorite rummage sales and thrift shops for a few more.
I even managed to find some frugal living books at a garage sale and picked them up.
I have downloaded a few onto my Kobo as well, they of course were free.
I still have lots of yarn and fabric so my evenings will be me tucked up nice and warm in the house with a cup of tea or hot chocolate working on a project or with a book in my hands.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Thursday Tid Bits And A Trip Back In My Memories
I have been extremely lazy today. I just did what I had to and other things got left to do another time. I did get my written to do list done, but other things I had planned (sewing for one) got shuffled off to be completed tomorrow or Sunday.
I will admit that I did work on my cross stitch and sewed more cord onto the rug project, but those things I can do plopped in front of the television and for the most part are mindless activities. I really should have been sewing, but just could not get the energy up to do so.
Sharing a picture of me at about the age of 2.
Growing up my Dad did not approve of pants for girls and so until about the age of 10 all I wore was dresses. My mother despaired of me ever wearing a dress without tearing it once I started walking. She said where my sister would untangle herself from whatever her dress got caught on, I was more likely just to rip myself free. I am sure she was over joyed once Dad allowed me to wear pants. I should stress that the pants I was allowed to wear were ones with an elastic waist.... According to Dad the only ones allowed to wear pants with a fly were boys or men. I am sure Dad was not happy when I got my first pair of jeans........ with a fly front.
To this day I am the one who could care less if my clothes are a bit wrinkled, or if I get caught on anything that they get ripped (my wedding gown has a small tear in it as I could not wait for anyone to untangle me). Clothing can be mended easily, whereas children grow up so quickly we need to enjoy and play with them while we can.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
I will admit that I did work on my cross stitch and sewed more cord onto the rug project, but those things I can do plopped in front of the television and for the most part are mindless activities. I really should have been sewing, but just could not get the energy up to do so.
Sharing a picture of me at about the age of 2.
Growing up my Dad did not approve of pants for girls and so until about the age of 10 all I wore was dresses. My mother despaired of me ever wearing a dress without tearing it once I started walking. She said where my sister would untangle herself from whatever her dress got caught on, I was more likely just to rip myself free. I am sure she was over joyed once Dad allowed me to wear pants. I should stress that the pants I was allowed to wear were ones with an elastic waist.... According to Dad the only ones allowed to wear pants with a fly were boys or men. I am sure Dad was not happy when I got my first pair of jeans........ with a fly front.
To this day I am the one who could care less if my clothes are a bit wrinkled, or if I get caught on anything that they get ripped (my wedding gown has a small tear in it as I could not wait for anyone to untangle me). Clothing can be mended easily, whereas children grow up so quickly we need to enjoy and play with them while we can.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Update Wednesday
Today I decided to do some work on my various projects.
I actually pinned and cut out the coat I want to get made.
I had a hard time fitting all the pieces onto my fabric and had to change the layout a few times before I cut it. After three hours pinning, repinning, and cutting I finally finished. I still have to cut out the interfacing and transfer the markings, but there is always tomorrow!!!
This afternoon I worked on my cross stitch.
Can you see a difference from the last picture I posted? Everyday just a bit more gets done on this. Hope to finish it by the end of October so I can move on to the other Unfinished Project involving cross stitch.
Just before supper I decided to sew the cord onto the rug project.
Looks pretty darn good. I will use up the second skein of the gold-brown colour and then the variegated yarn will be put in use again, before I finish off with the dark brown.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
I actually pinned and cut out the coat I want to get made.
I had a hard time fitting all the pieces onto my fabric and had to change the layout a few times before I cut it. After three hours pinning, repinning, and cutting I finally finished. I still have to cut out the interfacing and transfer the markings, but there is always tomorrow!!!
This afternoon I worked on my cross stitch.
Can you see a difference from the last picture I posted? Everyday just a bit more gets done on this. Hope to finish it by the end of October so I can move on to the other Unfinished Project involving cross stitch.
Just before supper I decided to sew the cord onto the rug project.
Looks pretty darn good. I will use up the second skein of the gold-brown colour and then the variegated yarn will be put in use again, before I finish off with the dark brown.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Bloggy Give Away
I noticed yesterday that I have not had a give away in a very long time. Soooo, in honour of what seems like blogging forever (really it hasn't been forever) I am hosting a give away.
Two of the ruffle scarves I have made will be winging their way to two lucky readers.
Just leave a comment with the colour you would like and at the end of the month I will make a drawing for the two winners.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Two of the ruffle scarves I have made will be winging their way to two lucky readers.
Just leave a comment with the colour you would like and at the end of the month I will make a drawing for the two winners.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Menu Monday
This week will be one of using up leftovers in the fridge freezer. Must get that a bit cleaner for upcoming large meals with lots of leftovers.
Leftover ham made into Scalloped Potatoes and Ham Casserole. Served with a salad.
Leftover chicken served as a casserole. Salad once again on the side.
Clean out the fridge smorg.
Hamburgers, pasta and beans.
Tuna Casserole and corn.
Since I will be spending much of the day making Cabbage Bread, this is what we will have for supper as well.
Roast Chicken, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots.
So there you have it. Lunches will be sandwiches or leftovers.
Everyone have a wonderful day.
God bless.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Sunday Ramblings
This Sunday at Mass. Father Brian spoke about gifts. How everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God. He ended with the question "What gift are we thankful for today."
God has given me many gifts over the years. Some are physical and I can actually hold them in my cupped hands. More are ephemeral and can't be seen or touched. I am grateful every day for all that my God has given me.
Many years ago I started a Gratitude Journal and every day I add to what I am grateful for. Sometimes it is the love that Harvey and I share, sometimes it is as simple as the sound of a child's laughter. Whatever it is, I know it and everything else that shapes my day is a gift and I try (many times I fail) to live up to be deserving of these gifts.
What gifts are you grateful for today and everyday?
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Continuing The Harvest
Today was a beautiful all be it windy day. Since I took pictures of our fall colour the trees are changing even more.
Time to get the harvest in and time to stock up on quick easy meals in the freezer for the upcoming winter months.
Today we harvested the remaining carrots.
Plan on getting those blanched, and frozen tomorrow. Along with hopefully making salsa. My harvest preparations are coming to a close soon with next weekends making of cabbage bread. I may think of something else that needs to be made......Such as lazy cabbage rolls!!!
Here is a picture of my second set of roasters going in the oven to bake.
Here are the finished product after these were cooked and divided into the tin foil containers.
They are now cooled and with the addition of these six trays we now have 13 meals in the freezer.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Time to get the harvest in and time to stock up on quick easy meals in the freezer for the upcoming winter months.
Today we harvested the remaining carrots.
Plan on getting those blanched, and frozen tomorrow. Along with hopefully making salsa. My harvest preparations are coming to a close soon with next weekends making of cabbage bread. I may think of something else that needs to be made......Such as lazy cabbage rolls!!!
Here is a picture of my second set of roasters going in the oven to bake.
Here are the finished product after these were cooked and divided into the tin foil containers.
They are now cooled and with the addition of these six trays we now have 13 meals in the freezer.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Ahhh, Friday At Last
Well this is the last day of subbing as far as I know for the remainder of the month. It will be nice to stay home and get things done.
After supper today, I decided it was time to do up the carrots for the freezer. Harvey picked them yesterday and I know he wants to finish the garden off this weekend, so before I get overwhelmed I decided to get these done.
The peeled sliced carrots, just waiting for the water to come to a boil in the blancher.
The finished product, cooling before I seal them and put all this yummyness in the freezer.
Yesterday I made these.....
Lovely crisps to put in the freezer. I managed to use up all the apples and since only three of these made it to the freezer, I am wishing I had a few more apples to make more.
I am going to close with a photo of our trip to the Isle of Skye. Seems fitting with the end of the referendum in Scotland at this point in time.

Here we are driving over the bridge from the mainland to Skye.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
After supper today, I decided it was time to do up the carrots for the freezer. Harvey picked them yesterday and I know he wants to finish the garden off this weekend, so before I get overwhelmed I decided to get these done.
The peeled sliced carrots, just waiting for the water to come to a boil in the blancher.
The finished product, cooling before I seal them and put all this yummyness in the freezer.
Yesterday I made these.....
Lovely crisps to put in the freezer. I managed to use up all the apples and since only three of these made it to the freezer, I am wishing I had a few more apples to make more.
I am going to close with a photo of our trip to the Isle of Skye. Seems fitting with the end of the referendum in Scotland at this point in time.
Here we are driving over the bridge from the mainland to Skye.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Fall Colour
This morning since I was not subbing I decided to take a walk around the neighbourhood. The trees are changing colour so quickly.
Thought I would share some pictures with all of you.
As you can all see the predominate colour is shades of yellow here on the prairies.
However there are a few shrubs and vines that turn red. Here is one.
Virginia Creeper!!!!
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Thought I would share some pictures with all of you.
As you can all see the predominate colour is shades of yellow here on the prairies.
However there are a few shrubs and vines that turn red. Here is one.
Virginia Creeper!!!!
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Mid Month Update
Thought I would bring you up to date on how I am doing with my goals this month.
1. Sew the top I have cut out...... This has been on my list for the last couple of months. Not done as of yet. Hopefully very soon as I have all the markings transferred.
2. Cut out a coat and start sewing it. The fabric is being washed and ironed tomorrow and then I can lay out the pattern.
3. Continue with the rug project. This is slowly but surely growing and will be ready for Kris for Christmas. Managing to keep up with this every night. Two nights making cord and then the next night sewing the cord on.
4. Continue with the cross stitch project and when (if I manage to get it done before the end of the month) done start on the second unfinished cross stitch project. This has fallen behind a bit due to my subbing in the school for the last two weeks. I have managed to work on it a bit however on the weekends. Hoping to get more done now that my days of work are drawing to an end.
5. Plan out the quilt for our bedroom. Not done yet, hopefully I will get started on this next week.
6. Freeze at least 24 bags of tomatoes for use this winter. Done, might make a few more as I still have ripening tomatoes.
7. Make and freeze cabbage rolls. Plan on doing these this weekend.
8 Make and freeze cabbage bread. Not done as of yet, but probably will get those done the next weekend (Sept. 27).
This working thing is causing havoc with my goals this month. Keep your fingers crossed that I manage to keep going and not get side tracked with another project (like the other quilt I want to make).
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Menu Monday
It is the third week of September already. My how time is flying!!
Chicken Cordon Bleu, rice, a salad and corn.
Leftover Beef Stroganoff from the fridge freezer, mashed potatoes, asparagus.
Leftover Chili from the freezer served over macaroni.
Beef roast, roasted potatoes and carrots.
Lazy Perogies
Chicken soup and egg salad sandwiches.
Roast Pork, roast potatoes, corn and a salad.
Everybody have a wonderful day.
God bless.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Sunday Ramblings
I managed to get all the household chores done. I even managed to get a bit of work done on my cross stitch project. So it was a wonderful day overall.
I also managed to make some apple sauce with my slow cooker. I have almost decided that this appliance ranks up there with my dehydrators. I still have about 1/2 box of apples left and perhaps some crisps are in order.
I am back to work tomorrow, for two days so I am glad to get all that I had planned to do today actually done.
Father Brian is having trouble with his voice for the second week. I do hope that there is nothing seriously wrong. He told me that he will be undergoing tests in Regina this upcoming week. I do wonder if we will have our parish council meeting this month due to his illness.
This week I will be pondering whether the cross is my lode stone. Do I follow what the Lord has set out for me, or do I falter holding the cross up for others to follow.
I never shared the fabric I bought for my fall quilt with all of you. I am hoping to do a strip type of quilt next month and the main fabrics I bought for it are bright fall colours.
I am thinking of pairing these with cream and black. I may have to pick up some more black to make it work.
I have also been busy picking up yarn (not that I really need anymore yarn, but I couldn't walk away from these colours).
I have never seen such vibrant baby yarn and since I need to build up my baby afghan stock these fit the bill perfectly. I have lots of white I can combine with these to get many afghans to give as gifts.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
I also managed to make some apple sauce with my slow cooker. I have almost decided that this appliance ranks up there with my dehydrators. I still have about 1/2 box of apples left and perhaps some crisps are in order.
I am back to work tomorrow, for two days so I am glad to get all that I had planned to do today actually done.
Father Brian is having trouble with his voice for the second week. I do hope that there is nothing seriously wrong. He told me that he will be undergoing tests in Regina this upcoming week. I do wonder if we will have our parish council meeting this month due to his illness.
This week I will be pondering whether the cross is my lode stone. Do I follow what the Lord has set out for me, or do I falter holding the cross up for others to follow.
I never shared the fabric I bought for my fall quilt with all of you. I am hoping to do a strip type of quilt next month and the main fabrics I bought for it are bright fall colours.
I am thinking of pairing these with cream and black. I may have to pick up some more black to make it work.
I have also been busy picking up yarn (not that I really need anymore yarn, but I couldn't walk away from these colours).
I have never seen such vibrant baby yarn and since I need to build up my baby afghan stock these fit the bill perfectly. I have lots of white I can combine with these to get many afghans to give as gifts.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Saturday Happenings/Busy In The Kitchen
It has been a busy day on the old homestead. I am working hard at getting the harvest processed and in the freezer. Seems to be a never ending chore as more and more items are being harvested.
Bright and early this morning I started a loaf of whole wheat bread. We have been using so much in the bread department that it was time to begin making my own again. My trusty bread machine was put to work.
While the bread was being mixed and kneaded I started something new with the apples from my neighbour.
Here is the bowlful I used.
I honestly thought that 5 1/2 pounds would me more than this, but it was a start on that box in the hallway.
Here is the start of the cored, peeled and finely chopped apple. Okay I got a bit tired of finely chopping and ended up finely dicing them.
Threw them in the slow cooker, added sugar, cinnamon and cloves and turned on this handy, dandy machine.
After 9 hours on low (one hour on high), this is what was in the pot.
A lovely batch of apple butter!!! This is the first time I have ever made this and the smell was absolutely wonderful as it traveled through the house. Almost like having many candles burning.
Still have about 3/4 of a box of apples to get through, so I think tomorrow I will make up some apple sauce!!
After supper I processed another batch of tomatoes.
Four more bags to put into the freezer. Think I am getting very close to my goal for this month.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Bright and early this morning I started a loaf of whole wheat bread. We have been using so much in the bread department that it was time to begin making my own again. My trusty bread machine was put to work.
While the bread was being mixed and kneaded I started something new with the apples from my neighbour.
Here is the bowlful I used.
I honestly thought that 5 1/2 pounds would me more than this, but it was a start on that box in the hallway.
Here is the start of the cored, peeled and finely chopped apple. Okay I got a bit tired of finely chopping and ended up finely dicing them.
Threw them in the slow cooker, added sugar, cinnamon and cloves and turned on this handy, dandy machine.
After 9 hours on low (one hour on high), this is what was in the pot.
A lovely batch of apple butter!!! This is the first time I have ever made this and the smell was absolutely wonderful as it traveled through the house. Almost like having many candles burning.
Still have about 3/4 of a box of apples to get through, so I think tomorrow I will make up some apple sauce!!
After supper I processed another batch of tomatoes.
Four more bags to put into the freezer. Think I am getting very close to my goal for this month.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Our First Killing Frost
It is early this year, but we just had our first killing frost last night.
My tender plants are no more.
I doubt very much these impatience will come back.
My coleus are very tender. This is what they look like this evening.
No longer the large vibrant plants they were.
My Moonflower did not fair any better.
I suppose that summer is over for the time being. However I do know that summer will come once again.
Thank heavens I still have some colour with the hardier plants like the petunias!
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
My tender plants are no more.
I doubt very much these impatience will come back.
My coleus are very tender. This is what they look like this evening.
No longer the large vibrant plants they were.
My Moonflower did not fair any better.
I suppose that summer is over for the time being. However I do know that summer will come once again.
Thank heavens I still have some colour with the hardier plants like the petunias!
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Thursday Tid Bits
Both of us here on the old homestead are working hard to get everything done that needs to be done before winter hits us.
Tomorrow Harvey is taking his truck in to get a new unexpected but very necessary expense. Then he has his doctor's appointment on Monday of next week. Should enable him to make the winter without needing to renew his perscription.
I on the other hand have been enjoying a string of no spend days. That will end tomorrow when I buy gas for my vehicle. I was hoping to go another day, but I think my luck may run out as it is supposed to be very cold, which will necessitate a warming of the car.
I have also put up another 4 bags of tomatoes for the freezer bringing the total number of bags to 19. Getting very close to the number I want for the freezer to see us through most of the winter.
I am even almost done stocking up on cleaning items to last us hopefully a year. I still have to get paper towels and kleenix, but haven't hit a good sale as of yet.
My week of work is drawing to a close. I have really enjoyed it, but will be glad as I am getting tired out. Here is hoping they hire someone very soon for the position. I have a feeling I will be working a few days next week.... Money coming in is a good thing.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Tomorrow Harvey is taking his truck in to get a new unexpected but very necessary expense. Then he has his doctor's appointment on Monday of next week. Should enable him to make the winter without needing to renew his perscription.
I on the other hand have been enjoying a string of no spend days. That will end tomorrow when I buy gas for my vehicle. I was hoping to go another day, but I think my luck may run out as it is supposed to be very cold, which will necessitate a warming of the car.
I have also put up another 4 bags of tomatoes for the freezer bringing the total number of bags to 19. Getting very close to the number I want for the freezer to see us through most of the winter.
I am even almost done stocking up on cleaning items to last us hopefully a year. I still have to get paper towels and kleenix, but haven't hit a good sale as of yet.
My week of work is drawing to a close. I have really enjoyed it, but will be glad as I am getting tired out. Here is hoping they hire someone very soon for the position. I have a feeling I will be working a few days next week.... Money coming in is a good thing.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Could It Be Because Of The Weather......
This is what it looks like outside today.
It has been cloudy, dark and cold for the last two days.
However the temperature today did not even reach the double digits.
While this clock says it is just after 8 in the evening, in reality it is only just after 7 (we can't get this clock to keep proper time).
The good thing about our weather is we are not getting what our neighbouring province of Alberta is getting. Here is a picture of Calgary taken earlier today.

Relatives who live there say there are trees down all over and some roads are so covered with heavy wet snow they can not be driven down.
They can keep it.
Then again my tiredness could be from three full days of work and a meeting at the bank right after work.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
It has been cloudy, dark and cold for the last two days.
However the temperature today did not even reach the double digits.
While this clock says it is just after 8 in the evening, in reality it is only just after 7 (we can't get this clock to keep proper time).
The good thing about our weather is we are not getting what our neighbouring province of Alberta is getting. Here is a picture of Calgary taken earlier today.

Relatives who live there say there are trees down all over and some roads are so covered with heavy wet snow they can not be driven down.
They can keep it.
Then again my tiredness could be from three full days of work and a meeting at the bank right after work.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Busy Times Ahead
I have been subbing in one of the schools in the division and I will be there for the rest of the week. Perhaps even part of the next (hopefully not cause this full time gig is going to do me in). This means harvesting the garden is left up to Harvey.
Today since we are supposed to be getting freezing temperatures.... he pulled out all the tomatoes.
This is what I have to look forward to.
A rather large bowlful of tomatoes in the kitchen.
A box of partially ripe tomatoes in the hallway.
Thank heavens there aren't too many of those.
Another box of green tomatoes.
Not too many of those either, but plenty more in the garden if I want them and we do not get the frost that has been predicted. I think I might just pass on those.
Then after supper my neighbour Irene brought us these.
A box of apples..... With the statement that if we want more just ask.
I foresee a great deal of work in the next few nights. Tomorrow I will be up to my elbows in ripe tomatoes, processing them for the freezer.
Anyone else think that I could be very busy for the next little while?
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Today since we are supposed to be getting freezing temperatures.... he pulled out all the tomatoes.
This is what I have to look forward to.
A rather large bowlful of tomatoes in the kitchen.
A box of partially ripe tomatoes in the hallway.
Thank heavens there aren't too many of those.
Another box of green tomatoes.
Not too many of those either, but plenty more in the garden if I want them and we do not get the frost that has been predicted. I think I might just pass on those.
Then after supper my neighbour Irene brought us these.
A box of apples..... With the statement that if we want more just ask.
I foresee a great deal of work in the next few nights. Tomorrow I will be up to my elbows in ripe tomatoes, processing them for the freezer.
Anyone else think that I could be very busy for the next little while?
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
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