Friday, March 11, 2016

Frugal Friday

Well it is time to list my frugal five for the week. I always seem to list the same 5 things over and over. Hopefully this time I have some new things to list.

1.   When I used the oven for cooking our supper I also roasted veggies to go along with our meal. Saved electric, and time doing so.

2.   Used up some of the cheaper embroidery floss working on the quilt top.

3.   Packed my lunch for my one day of work. Lunch consisted of leftovers so I managed to clean out the fridge a bit.

4.   Found a Fuel up to Win ticket while I was taking my walk one morning. Added the stickers to the ones on my game card. (in order to get a ticket you have to spend at least $25 so finding one for free saves me some cash.

5.   Using up, wearing out and making do.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. God bless.

1 comment:

  1. What a great bonus finding that ticket!

    Enjoy your weekend.
